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Southern Queensland Landscapes First Nations Art Competition

4 July – 2 September 2022.

Art tells the story of our landscapes, and connects us to our identity, our country, and our people. The 2022 First Nations Art Competition aims to allow artists from the 28 Nations in our area to share their art with others, and be recognised for their incredible talent.

We acknowledge the 28 Nations in the Southern Queensland Landscapes area including: Auburn Hawkwood, Badjiri, Barunggam, Bidjara, Bigambul, Boonthamurra/Bunthamarra, Budjiti, Djaku-nde/Jangerie Jangerie, Euahlayi/Yuwaalaraay, Gamilaraay/Gamilaroi/Kamilaroi, Giabul, Githabul, Kambuwal, Gunggari, Kooma, Iman, Jarowair, Kullilli, Kungardutyi, Punthamara, Kunja, Mandandanji, Mardigan, Morrawarri/Murrawarri, Palpamudramudra Yandrawandra, Wakka Wakka, Wangkumarra/Wongkumara, Western Bundjalung, and Western Wakka Wakka Nations.

2022 Grand Prize Winner

First Nations art work.

Melinda Luscombe, Lemon Myrtle Bloom 2022 (acrylic on canvas) 

"This piece is very personal to me and has been an emotional journey to create. The large circles represent the lineage of the Gomeroi women in our family, my great grandmother, my grandmother, and myself. The tracks between these circles represent the connection we will always share and also branch out to other possibilities and the unknown. Nature has always been important to our family, and I have included lemon myrtle blossoms, as I have been told my great grandmother used to wrap fish with the leaves when cooking. As the mother of an autistic child, I am very aware of multi-sensory experiences and how enriching they can be, so as an added element I have treated the timber frame of the art piece with lemon myrtle oil."

 Take a look at the complete list of .