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Embracing Diversity and Spirituality

At UniSQ, we celebrate the rich cultural and spiritual diversity that our students bring to campus, supporting the spiritual wellbeing of student and respecting the unique ways in which each individual expresses their faith. Our commitment to inclusion ensures that every student feels welcome, supported, and valued, no matter their background, faith, or identity.

Our volunteer Chaplains provide opportunities for students to engage in faith related activities across our three campuses. UniSQ volunteer Chaplains can provide pastoral and spiritual support including:

  • on-campus worship services
  • spiritual care and connection 
  • group meditations and prayer
  • linking students with places of worship that match their spiritual need

If you are keen to support students with their faith, hosting faith-based student activities, we encourage you to nominate as a volunteer Chaplain. 

Faith organisations interested in hosting their faith sessions on campus outside of business hours are encouraged to apply for venue hire.

Multi-Faith Space

Prayer Rooms at all UniSQ Multi-Faith locations offer quiet spaces for reflection and make an ideal retreat from the busyness of life.

UniSQ Toowoomba

Two prayer rooms are available on Level 2, G block at the Refectory end of the building:

Room G227 - ablution facilities suitable for Islamic prayers.

Room G230 - multi-purpose prayer room suitable for private prayers as well as group discussions, prayers and meditation.

To access these rooms you will need your student or staff card activated for swipe access. Please email Multi-faith@unisq.edu.au with your student or staff ID number to have your card activated.






 Responsible person Contact details
Daily Muslim Prayers G227 Open Daily Prayers   supportforlearning@unisq.edu.au 
Wednesday Coffee, Cake and Coversation  HUB R Block 11.00am - 12.00pm Fellowship Greg Otto gpotto@gmail.com

Uni 精东传媒app Group


12.00pm - 1.00pm


Keith Hill keith.hill@afes.org.au
  English/Bible studies  G229  12.30pm -1.30pm Education Greg Otto gpotto@gmail.com
  Inspirational DVD Program G229 1.30pm - 2.30pm Discussion Greg Otto gpotto@gmail.com
Thursdsay  English/Bible studies  G229  2.00pm - 3.00pm Education   David Trodeson davidtroedson@yahoo.com


Coffee, Cake and Conversation

HUB R Block

11.00am - 12.00pm

Fellowship Greg Otto gpotto@gmail.com

Christian Prayers


10.30am - 1.00pm


David Troedson davidtroedson@yahoo.com
  English/Bible studies G229  12.30pm - 1.30pm Education Greg Otto  gpotto@gmail.com
Saturday Cepak Ark Church




Barnabas Musoshi mushosibyamungu@gmail.com
Sunday  Uni-Church DayStar Community L206 8.00am - 11.30pm Worship Pita Tagituimua  pmatirap@hotmail.com 
  Trinity Prayer Fellowship (Indian) T121  10.00am - 1.00pm Worship Biju Varughese  abysam31@gmail.com 

Cepak Ark Church


8.00am - 2.00pm


Barnabas Musoshi  mushosibyamungu@gmail.com 

UniSQ Springfield

Private or group prayers and meditation can be held in Building A, Level 3 (A3-Tutorial Room Four). Please call UniSQ Security on +61 7 3470 4444 or 0437 229 320 for assistance in accessing the prayer room. Alternatively, you can visit the chaplains in B Block, in the large foyer on Level 1.
Please contact the Support for Learning team on 07 4631 2372 by email at supportforlearning@unisq.edu.au for information on upcoming events.

Alternatively, visit Our Chaplains David and Charlie at the Springfield Campus.

UniSQ Ipswich

Private or group prayers and meditation can be held in Block U.  Please call UniSQ Security on +61 7 3812 6060 or 0428 086 790 for assistance in accessing the prayer room. Alternatively, you can visit the chaplains in H Block, Level 2 near the reception.






 Responsible person Contact details
Tuesday  Faith conversation  Library  10.00am - 2.00pm  Education Peter Woodward   p_jewoodward@bigpond.com
Thursday  Faith conversation Library  10.00am - 2.00pm  Education  Crystal Joyce   office@beacon.org.au 
  Prayer Meeting   Block H
Level 2 
12.30pm - 1.30pm  Education  Crystal Joyce   office@beacon.org.au 


(07) 46312372




G Block, UniSQ Toowoomba