
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice (Rural and Remote) (PCNP) - PGradCertANP(R&R)

 Distance education
Semester intake:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
Standard duration:1 year part-time, 2 years part-time maximum 

Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: studysci@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email: usq.support@usq.edu.au  

Program focus

This program has been developed for registered nurses wishing to further their knowledge and advance their clinical nursing skills in the area of rural and isolated practice. Some courses have a compulsory clinical placement requirement, which will require liaison with the Clinical Office. Nurses who are currently employed in a rural/remote area will normally undertake clinical placement per course outside of their current health facility.

Professional accreditation

The Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice (Rural and Remote) has been developed for registered nurses wishing to further their knowledge and advance their clinical nursing skills in the area of rural and isolated practice.