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Master of Engineering Practice (MEPR) - MEngPrac

Semester intake:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
Standard duration:6 semesters part-time by distance education 
Program articulation:

From: Bachelor of Engineering Science

*This program is not available to international students unless living in Australia and holding a valid 457 visa with a duration of no less than 3 years.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

The program is accredited by Engineers Australia and graduates are eligible for Graduate membership at the Professional Engineer level.

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Program aims

To enable experienced Engineering Technologists to demonstrate, or acquire and demonstrate, their attainment of the academic, personal, professional, and technical knowledge, skills and understanding required to commence practice as a graduate Professional Engineer in Australia or overseas within appropriate social, cultural, industrial and environmental contexts.

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Program objectives

The objectives of the Master of Engineering Practice are:

  • to enable Engineering Technologists to demonstrate, or acquire and demonstrate, that they possess the specified generic attributes and capabilities

  • to enable Engineering Technologists to demonstrate, or acquire and demonstrate, in-depth technical competence in one of the following fields: Civil Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering; Power Systems Engineering, or Structural Engineering

  • to enable Engineering Technologists from diverse, and non-traditional, backgrounds and locations to enrol in the program and to provide them with opportunities to acquire the skills necessary to complete the program in the normal time

  • to enable students to be empowered as learners through the provision of a wide range of teaching and learning styles in their program

  • to ensure that all students have equality of opportunity in acquiring the specified generic attributes and technical competence

  • to ensure that graduates are eligible for graduate membership of Engineers Australia.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission to the program, candidates:

  • must possess an appropriate three-year Bachelor of Engineering Science degree awarded by an Australian university, or an equivalent qualification awarded by an Australian or overseas institution, or be a Technologist Member of Engineers Australia

  • must be able to demonstrate that they have at least five years of relevant experience in the Engineering industry. Candidates are required to provide a Curriculum Vitae (CV) to demonstrate their industry experience

  • must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia, or a citizen of New Zealand or the holder of a 457 visa with a duration of at least three years. Note: This program is not available to international students.

The standing of degrees awarded by an overseas institution will be determined by reference to the Sydney Accord, of which Engineers Australia (EA) is a signatory, and Australia Education International (AEI) which is a federal government agency.

Prospective students are encouraged to talk to the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences before completing an application form.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If you do not meet the English language requirements you may apply to study a 精东传媒app-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, you may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of your higher education and you as a student pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. You are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .
Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. You are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the
Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.
Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

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Program structure

The Master of Engineering Practice (MEPR) program is a 12-unit program made up of the following three components:

Schedule A: Five core courses (seven units)

  • (2 units)

  • (2 units)

  • or

ENG8300 Self-assessment Portfolio

The course is the first course students undertake in the program and it is designed to enable them to firstly assess their existing attributes and capabilities and then to nominate the specific workplace experiences they will use to demonstrate their level of competency in the courses: and . Students will also nominate the Academic courses they will undertake in the program to enable them to satisfy other attribute and capability requirements. It may also be necessary for them to identify some specific types of industrial experience they need to undertake to be able to satisfy any remaining requirements. The outcome of this self-assessment process will be a Pathway to Graduation Plan prepared by the student in consultation with the examiner of the course.

A second component of this course will require students to show that they can write a Career Episode Report that demonstrates their achievement of two of the specified attributes and capabilities. To do this successfully students will have to demonstrate they are able to accurately reflect on their experience and that they have the communication skills that are necessary to write such a report. The information in a Career Episode Report must be verified and endorsed by a professional engineer who is preferably a member of Engineers Australia. Achievement of this component of the course is critical because students will use Career Episode Reports to demonstrate Engineers Australia's Stage 2 and discipline specific competencies in the Workplace Portfolio and Industry Project courses.

At the end of this course students will submit a portfolio containing their Curriculum Vitae, the Career Episode Reports and the Pathway to Graduation Plan. The Examiner of the course will assess the portfolio and either:

  1. Approve the Pathway to Graduation Plan

  2. Request modifications to the Plan before it is approved, or

  3. Decide that the student does not have the required knowledge, experience, attributes or capabilities to be able to satisfactorily complete the program. In this case the student will be cancelled from this program and counselled on alternative ways of achieving their goals. Students in this category may still be awarded a passing grade in the course. If a student has passed this course, they will then be granted an exemption when they enrol in another program in the area of Engineering and Built Environment.

Once a Pathway to Graduation Plan has been approved a student may enrol in the remaining courses in the Plan. The Plan will, in due course, be used by the Faculty to assess the student's eligibility to graduate.

Prospective students should visit the Engineers Australia web site to gain an understanding of the processes which will be followed. In particular, they should view the Stage Two Competencies and the guidelines for achieving Chartered status.

The Workplace Portfolio and Industry Project courses

The Workplace Portfolio course and the Industry Project course are designed to enable students to develop Portfolios that will enable them to obtain credit for their achievements during their employment as an Engineering Technologist. The courses are:

  • (2 units)

  • (2 units).

The core course is designed to give students the enabling skills in mathematics and problem solving needed to undertake the Technical courses in their program. Students who have completed courses, or an equivalent course, as part of an earlier completed program of study should apply for an exemption.

Schedule B: Five technical courses

During the preparation of their Pathway to Graduation Plan students must nominate how they are going to demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the Technical Courses defined for their specialisation and listed in this Schedule. They may do this by studying a course or by demonstrating achievement of the objectives of the course in their Workplace Portfolio. A student may study a maximum of five of the Technical Courses listed in this Schedule.

Schedule C: One Practice Course

Students must complete the practice course allocated in the recommended enrolment pattern for their major (0 units).

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Program completion requirements

To be eligible to graduate students must complete, or have credited to the program, at least six units of USQ courses and have met the requirements of the core, technical and practice courses.

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Required time limits

The standard duration is six semesters of part-time study. Full-time students have a maximum of three years to complete this program. Part-time students have a maximum of four years to complete this program.

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The specialisation study provides students with knowledge and skills in a specific discipline. The six specialisation study areas in the Master of Engineering Practice are:

  • Civil Engineering

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  • Environmental Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Power Systems Engineering

  • Structural Engineering

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IT requirements

Access to an up-to-date computer is necessary. On-campus students can access appropriately equipped laboratories, but should consider acquisition of their own computer. External students should be able to access a computer with the following as advised by the 精东传媒app. All students should have access to email and the Internet via a computer running the latest versions of Internet web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. The 精东传媒app has a wireless network for on-campus students' computers. In order to take advantage of this facility and further enhance their on-campus learning environment, students should consider purchasing a notebook/laptop computer with wireless connectivity. Specialist software is required for some courses.

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Residential schools

Students are required to undertake practical and professional activities relevant to their program through enrolment in a Practice course in the program. Practice courses are zero unit courses that may be undertaken in either on-campus or external mode and the final grades available are Pass (P)/Fail (F) only. They are a compulsory part of the program and do not attract a student contribution charge for Australian residents or a tuition fee for international students. The recommended enrolment schedule for the relevant Practice course is shown in the Recommended Enrolment Pattern for the program in this Handbook.

External students must attend a single residential school during their program to obtain experience in practical and professional activities appropriate to the program. The residential school is included in the Practice course which is conducted in Semester 3 or during the recess period in Semester 2. The dates for each residential school Practice course are shown in the in this Handbook and external students should ensure they are able to attend the residential school prior to enrolling in a Practice course. Personal protective equipment is compulsory in many engineering, construction and spatial science laboratories, students should confirm the requirements before attending residential schools for Practice courses.

Students who enrol in on-campus mode for Practice courses normally undertake a series of weekly activities and/or attend a compulsory residential school.

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Exit points

Students who have completed four courses in the program may satisfy the requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Engineering Technology program and therefore exit the program with a Graduate Certificate of Engineering Technology.

Students who are unable to satisfactorily complete the program may apply to transfer to the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) program. They may also apply to have the courses completed in the Master of Engineering Practice program credited to their new program.

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Exemptions/credit will be assessed based on the .

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Students should note that some of the courses specify enrolment requirements (prerequisites). Students should therefore refer to the Course Specification section of the USQ Web to determine the enrolment requirements for the courses they intend enrolling in. Students should avoid enrolling in courses for which they do not have sufficient pre-requisite knowledge. Students will be expected to rectify any deficiencies in their pre-requisite knowledge by private study.

Students should contact Faculty Administration if they encounter problems while enrolling in courses with requisites.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Civil Engineering specialisation recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Specialisation: Civil Engineering (Specialisation 精东传媒app Code: 15209)
CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirementsComments

Schedule A: Core Courses Students must complete all of the courses in this schedule. Students must study in their first semester of enrolment in the program.

1,3Pre-requisite: 2 units
2,3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MENC or MAEN 2 units

Select one of the following two courses:


Schedule B: Technical Courses Students must demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the courses in this schedule, this can be achieved by course study or addressing the course objectives within the Workplace Portfolio. Students may study a maximum of five courses listed in this schedule.

Note: The Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences may allow a student to study an alternative course if the student demonstrates prior knowledge of a listed course in the Self-Assessment Portfolio.

2Pre-requisite: CIV2401 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: and (MAT1502 or or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: and or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: ENV1101 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
2Pre-requisite: ENV1101 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS

Schedule C: One Practice Course Students must complete the practice course.

2Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MEPR or GDNS or MENS

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialisation recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Specialisation: Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Specialisation 精东传媒app Code: 15210)
CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirementsComments

Schedule A: Core Courses Students must complete all of the courses in this schedule. Students must study in their first semester of enrolment in the program.

1,3Pre-requisite: 2 units
2,3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MENC or MAEN 2 units

Select one of the following two courses:


Schedule B: Technical Courses Students must demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the courses in this schedule, this can be achieved by course study or addressing the course objectives within the Workplace Portfolio. Students may study a maximum of five courses listed in this schedule.

Note: The Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences may allow a student to study an alternative course if the student demonstrates prior knowledge of a listed course in the Self-Assessment Portfolio.

2Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MEPR or GDNS or MENS or GCNS or GCEN
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCNS or GCEN or GDNS or MEPR or MENS or METC
2Pre-requisite: ( and ( or ) and ( or )) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or MENS

Schedule C: One Practice Course Students must complete the practice course.

2Pre-requisite: and and

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Environmental Engineering specialisation recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Specialisation: Environmental Engineering (Specialisation 精东传媒app Code: 15211)
CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirementsComments

Schedule A: Core Courses Students must complete all of the courses in this schedule. Students must study in their first semester of enrolment in the program.

1,3Pre-requisite: 2 units
2,3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MENC or MAEN 2 units

Select one of the following two courses:


Schedule B: Technical Courses Students must demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the courses in this schedule, this can be achieved by course study or addressing the course objectives within the Workplace Portfolio. Students may study a maximum of five courses listed in this schedule.

Note: The Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences may allow a student to study an alternative course if the student demonstrates prior knowledge of a listed course in the Self-Assessment Portfolio.

1Pre-requisite: ENV1101 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
2Pre-requisite: ( and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
2Pre-requisite: ENV1101 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: or MAT1500 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MENS or GCNS or GDNS or MSST or MEPR
1Pre-requisite: or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
2Co-requisite: or or (Students enrolled in Programs: BEDU (Legal Studies) or BLAW or LLBP or BALW or BBLA or BCLA & Co-requisite: LAW1201 or ) or (Students enrolled in Program: DJUR & Co-requisite: LAW5501 or )

Schedule C: One Practice Course Students must complete the practice course.

3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDNS or MENS

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Mechanical Engineering specialisation recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Specialisation: Mechanical Engineering (Specialisation 精东传媒app Code: 15212)
CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirementsComments

Schedule A: Core Courses Students must complete all of the courses in this schedule. Students must study in their first semester of enrolment in the program.

1,3Pre-requisite: 2 units
2,3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MENC or MAEN 2 units

Select one of the following two courses:


Schedule B: Technical Courses Students must demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the courses in this schedule, this can be achieved by course study or addressing the course objectives within the Workplace Portfolio. Students may study a maximum of five courses listed in this schedule.

Note: The Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences may allow a student to study an alternative course if the student demonstrates prior knowledge of a listed course in the Self-Assessment Portfolio.

2Pre-requisite: ((MAT1502 or or ) and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or MENS
1Pre-requisite: ((MAT2500 or ) and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or GCNS or GDNS or MEPR or MENS
1Pre-requisite: ( and and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
2Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or GCNS or GDNS or MEPR or MENS
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or MENS

Schedule C: One Practice Course Students must complete the practice course.

2Pre-requisite: or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDNS or MENS or MEPR

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Power Systems Engineering specialisation recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Specialisation: Power Systems Engineering (Specialisation 精东传媒app Code: 16025)
CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirementsComments

Schedule A: Core Courses Students must complete all of the courses in this schedule. Students must study in their first semester of enrolment in the program.

1,3Pre-requisite: 2 units
2,3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MENC or MAEN 2 units

Select one of the following two courses:


Schedule B: Technical Courses Students must demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the courses in this schedule, this can be achieved by course study or addressing the course objectives within the Workplace Portfolio. Students may study a maximum of five courses listed in this schedule.

Note: The Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences may allow a student to study an alternative course if the student demonstrates prior knowledge of a listed course in the Self-Assessment Portfolio.

2,3Pre-requisite: ENG1500 or MAT1500 or or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MEPR or GCEN
2Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MEPR or GCEN or METC
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCNS or GCEN or GDNS or MEPR or MENS or METC
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
2Pre-requisite: ( and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS

Schedule C: One Practice Course Students must complete the practice course.

2Pre-requisite: ( and and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDNS or MENS or MEPR

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Structural Engineering specialisation recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Specialisation: Structural Engineering (Specialisation 精东传媒app Code: 15213)
CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirementsComments

Schedule A: Core Courses Students must complete all of the courses in this schedule. Students must study in their first semester of enrolment in the program.

1,3Pre-requisite: 2 units
2,3Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in the following program: MENC or MAEN 2 units

Select one of the following two courses:


Schedule B: Technical Courses Students must demonstrate achievement of the objectives of each of the courses in this schedule, this can be achieved by course study or addressing the course objectives within the Workplace Portfolio. Students may study a maximum of five courses listed in this schedule.

Note: The Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences may allow a student to study an alternative course if the student demonstrates prior knowledge of a listed course in the Self-Assessment Portfolio.

2Pre-requisite: CIV2401 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: and (MAT1502 or or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: and or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: ENV1101 or or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS
1Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MENS or GDNS
2Pre-requisite: ((MAT1502 or or ) and ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or MENS

Schedule C: One Practice Course Students must complete the practice course.

2Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MEPR or GDNS or MENS