04 JUN 2025
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM
Online via Zoom
This session is for UniSQ research students and staff needing advanced EndNote skills to undertake complex writing tasks such as a thesis or an article for publication. The class is a 40 minute demonstration, with 20 minutes of question time for specific issues or problems. Topics covered in this session include:
Part 1 – EndNote features
- Setting preferences to improve functionality
- Managing PDFs
- Groups and Group Sets
Part 2 – A tidy Library
- Removing duplicates
- Using Journals Term List for consistent journal titles or abbreviations
- Using Authors Term List for consistent author entries
- Automating title capitalisation style
Part 3 – Word and EndNote
- Using Field Shading to identify EndNote connected citations
- Working in Formatted and Unformatted modes
- Combining thesis chapters in Unformatted mode
- When to convert to Plain Text