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UniSQ Residential College Scholarship - 2025

In 2025, UniSQ will award a number of Residential College Scholarships to support students residing at UniSQ Residential Colleges in Toowoomba, either commencing or continuing their studies in an undergraduate program.

Each scholarship is for a maximum of one year (3 study periods) and is paid as a reduction in accommodation fees at the UniSQ Residential Colleges, Toowoomba campus.

The scholarship does not include the study breaks or short-term accommodation.

Each scholarship will have a maximum value of $6900 per year ($2300 per trimester).

Scholarship to be paid as a reduction in Residential College fees across each trimester of 2025.

Applicants must:
  • be a currently residing in Australia
  • have annual household income not exceeding the eligible threshold (low-to-middle income)
  • be their studies at UniSQ in an undergraduate program
    • continuing students – must have achieved satisfactory academic standing (GPA 4.0)
  • be residing or intending to reside at one of the UniSQ Residential Colleges, Toowoomba campus
  • have their principal place of residence is at least 50 kilometres from the UniSQ Toowoomba campus
  • be enrolled or intending to enrol in 2025 courses
  • not be a resident of Steele Rudd College, Block A or B. 

For further details, please view the Scholarship Award Conditions.

Please Note: There are some Centrelink payments (e.g., ABSTUDY Relocation Scholarship or ABSTUDY Residential Cost Option Scholarship) that cannot be held in the same period as the UniSQ Residential College Scholarship. We recommend for you to seek clarification on this from Centrelink before accepting a UniSQ Residential College Scholarship.

Applicants must:

  • provide evidence of financial circumstances as directed in the application process
  • provide evidence of having to relocate from a permanent address located at least 50 kilometres from the UniSQ Toowoomba campus (if your principal place of residence is not at least 50km from the UniSQ Toowoomba campus, you may claim exceptional circumstances and provide details and documentation of your circumstances)
  • undertake a minimum of two study units per semester/trimester (extenuating circumstances will be considered for students only studying one unit).

*Extra consideration will be given to those students who need to relocate from more remote areas within Australia, according to the Modified Monash Model – refer .

Application must be made via the .

If you require assistance in completing your application please download the Scholarship Online Application Manual.


Trimester 1 2025

  • Monday 17 February 2025 at 11:59pm (AEST)

精东传媒app of Southern Queensland
Phone:  1800 269 500
Email:  study@unisq.edu.au

UniSQ reserves the right to alter the conditions of the scholarship/bursary based upon exceptional circumstances.  UniSQ reserves the right to not award the scholarship/bursary in a given year.