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Master of Data Science inherent requirements

Inherent requirement statements: Behavioural stability is required to function and adapt effectively and sensitively in a demanding professional role. Students demonstrate the behavioural stability and resilience required to work constructively in a diverse and changing academic, professional, and placement environment.

The student demonstrates:

  • Behavioural stability to work constructively in diverse and changing academic and professional settings.

Justification of inherent requirement: Behavioural stability is required to work individually and in teams in changing, challenging and unpredictable environments. IT students will be required to have the necessary behavioural and intellectual stability to manage their academic responsibilities.

Adjustments must ensure the standards, codes, guidelines and policies are not compromised or result in unethical behaviour. Adjustments specific to the individual can be discussed with our Student Equity Officers.


  • Coping with own emotions and behaviour effectively when dealing with individuals in academic and placement settings.
  • Ability to engage with peers and staff appropriately in classroom and group work settings

Inherent requirement statements: Effective and efficient communication in English is an essential requirement to provide safe, effective, professional advice and practice. Students demonstrate:

  • The ability to communicate with others accurately, appropriately, and in a timely manner.
  • The ability to provide and respond to clear instructions in context.

The student demonstrates:

  • The ability to communicate with others accurately, appropriately, and in a timely manner both written and verbally
  • The ability to provide and respond to clear instructions in context.

Justification of inherent requirement:  

  • ICT professions are based on receiving detailed instructions of user needs and converting these into IT-enabled solutions.
  • Speed and interactivity of communication may be critical for the effectiveness of these solutions.
  • Accurate written communication is essential to provide consistent professional service.

Adjustments must ensure the standards, codes, guidelines and policies are not compromised or result in unethical behaviour. Adjustments specific to the individual can be discussed with our Student Equity Officers.


  • Participating in academic, professional, and placement discussions.
  • Providing clear, easy to understand solutions to user/client/industry partner requests

Inherent requirement statements: Students are required to demonstrate the ability to meet the general requirements of the ICT profession governed by professional standards defined by the .

The student demonstrates:

  • Knowledge of, engage in, and understand ethical behaviour requirements.

Justification of inherent requirement:

Compliance with the codes, guidelines and policies facilitates safe, competent interactions and relationships for students and/or the people they engage with. This ensures the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being of the individual is not placed at risk.

Adjustments must ensure the standards, codes, guidelines and policies are not compromised or result in unethical behaviour. Adjustments specific to the individual can be discussed with our Student Equity Officers.


  • Engage with the data science, computing and information technology industry in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrate ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues arising from the use of data and technology and take responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.

Inherent requirement statements: Information technology and the use of data are governed by related legislation, rules and codes of conduct to enable the professional delivery of services. Students demonstrate knowledge and compliance with Australian laws, codes of conduct and professional regulations relevant to the use of technology and data.

The student demonstrates:

  • Knowledge and compliance with Australian laws, codes of conduct and  relevant to the use of technology and data.

Justification of inherent requirement: 

  • Knowledge, understanding and compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements are necessary to meet professional accreditation criteria.
  • Compliance with professional regulations facilitates professional and responsible ICT practice.

Adjustments must ensure the standards, codes, guidelines and policies are not compromised or result in unethical behaviour. Adjustments specific to the individual can be discussed with our Student Equity Officers.


  • Understanding and applying privacy requirements with respect to the use of technology.
  • Displaying knowledge of the diverse legislative requirements across a range of industries with respect to the use of information technology and data.

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