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SOC3000 Collaborative Community Problem Solving

Semester 2, 2020 Online
Short Description: Collaborative Community Proble
Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts
School or Department : School of Humanities & Communication
Student contribution band : Band 1
ASCED code : 090500 - Human Welfare Studies and Serv
Grading basis : Graded




Pre-requisite: 12 course units (though 16 course units is recommended)

Other requisites

Students will require access to e-mail and have internet access to UConnect for this course.
This course should be completed during the student’s last year in the program.


Other courses in the student's program of study engage knowledge and competencies from within particular disciplines. This course expands these studies by challenging the student with a cross disciplinary workplace experience, working effectively and productively with professionals from other disciplines who have different priorities, models and frameworks for conceptualising, managing and solving problems. Complex community issues are the subjects with which teams of students will engage to acquire these skills, while contributing to the understanding of an identified community problem.


Students will work within cross disciplinary project teams consisting of a mix of students, professionals and community members from outside the university. Each team will have a community issue assigned to it. Where possible, this issue will be from an identified community, either within the local area, or from overseas where an international student brings an issue forward. A staff member will facilitate each project team's activities. Students will engage in a series of workshops where they meet as a group and contribute knowledge and competencies from their own experiences and disciplines to critically analyse the components of the issue and define specific challenges, such that further research and consultation can result in a proposed framework for problem solving. Between workshops students will be responsible for researching the issue, consulting with community members personally or electronically, and preparing components of the project report for the team. The deliverable from the course is a report which describes the issue analysis, relevant research and community consultation, and a prospectus on possible management or resolution strategies.


On successful completion of this course students should be able to:

  1. apply principles of social justice, ethical and legal professional practice, and working with diversity while engaging in community problem solving;
  2. apply knowledge and competencies from their own disciplines to strategic thinking as a member of a multidisciplinary team;
  3. critically analyse complex community problems by integrating theories, systems and frameworks from multiple disciplines and perspectives;
  4. demonstrate an understanding of the roles of various disciplines in the analysis, research, consultation and intervention processes related to a selected community problem;
  5. collaborate effectively and productively with other team members who have different priorities, models, and frameworks for conceptualising, managing and solving problems;
  6. demonstrate professional communication and organisation skills necessary to work effectively within a multidisciplinary team, including group facilitation, leadership, planning, decision making, conflict resolution and effective use of computer mediated communications;
  7. plan community level strategies with processes inclusive of all stakeholders.


Description Weighting(%)
1. Collaborative community problem solving community as client and community as partner:
  1. professional practice issues of interdisciplinary community consultation
  2. challenges of collaborative solutions in political environments
  3. challenges of community participation and empowerment
  4. human, social, environmental and economic capital
  5. understanding challenges to community structures and resources
  6. determining community readiness for change
  7. assessing components of community issues and challenges
  8. analysis that facilitates community development and change
  9. strategies to promote action from consultation

Text and materials required to be purchased or accessed

ALL textbooks and materials available to be purchased can be sourced from (unless otherwise stated). (https://omnia.usq.edu.au/textbooks/?year=2020&sem=02&subject1=SOC3000)

Please for alternative purchase options from USQ Bookshop. (https://omnia.usq.edu.au/info/contact/)

There are no texts or materials required for this course.

Reference materials

Reference materials are materials that, if accessed by students, may improve their knowledge and understanding of the material in the course and enrich their learning experience.
Ife, J & Tesoriero F 2010, Community development: community-based alternatives in an age of globalisation, 4th edn, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.
Kenny, Susan 2017, Developing communities for the future: community development in Australia, 5th edn, Nelson Thomson Learning Australia, South Melbourne.
Florin, P & Wandersman, A 1990, An introduction to citizen participation, voluntary organizations, and community development: Insights for empowerment through research, American Journal of Community Psychology, 18 (1).
Lasker, RD & Weiss, ES 2003, Broadening participation in community problem solving: A multidisciplinary model to support collaborative practice and research, Journal of Urban Health, 80 (1).

Student workload expectations

Activity Hours
Directed ¾«¶«´«Ã½app 45.00
Independent ¾«¶«´«Ã½app 120.00

Assessment details

Description Marks out of Wtg (%) Due Date Notes
TEAM PROJECT PROPOSAL 100 20 18 Aug 2020 (see note 1)
INDIVIDUAL FINAL REPORT 100 30 22 Oct 2020 (see note 2)
TEAM FINAL REPORT 100 50 22 Oct 2020 (see note 3)

  1. All members of a team will receive the same mark for this assessment item.
  2. Each student will write a reflective report on their learning experiences and the effectiveness of their collaborative team. Individuals will evaluate the professional behaviour of themselves and their team members.
  3. The team's final report will summarise the multidisciplinary analysis of the issue with related consultation and research, the possible strategies for addressing the issues and the rationale for the strategy chosen as the preferred option. While the team final report will receive a single mark, the examiner reserves the right to reduce individual marks where individual reports indicate that a student did not contribute adequately to the report.

Important assessment information

  1. Attendance requirements:
    Students must attend and complete the requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety training program for this course where required.

    External and Online:
    There are no attendance requirements for this course. However, it is the students’ responsibility to study all material provided to them or required to be accessed by them to maximise their chance of meeting the objectives of the course and to be informed of course-related activities and administration.

    It is the students’ responsibility to attend and participate appropriately in all activities (such as lectures, tutorials, laboratories and practical work) scheduled for them, and to study all material provided to them or required to be accessed by them to maximise their chance of meeting the objectives of the course and to be informed of course-related activities and administration.

  2. Requirements for students to complete each assessment item satisfactorily:
    To satisfactorily complete an individual assessment item a student must achieve at least 50% of the marks.

  3. Penalties for late submission of required work:
    Students should refer to the Assessment Procedure (point 4.2.4)

  4. Requirements for student to be awarded a passing grade in the course:
    To be assured of receiving a passing grade a student must achieve at least 50% of the total weighted marks available for the course.

  5. Method used to combine assessment results to attain final grade:
    The final grades for students will be assigned on the basis of the aggregate of the weighted marks obtained for each of the summative assessment items in the course.

  6. Examination information:
    There is no examination for this course.

  7. Examination period when Deferred/Supplementary examinations will be held:
    There is no examination in this course, there will be no deferred or supplementary examinations.

  8. ¾«¶«´«Ã½app Student Policies:
    Students should read the USQ policies: Definitions, Assessment and Student Academic Misconduct to avoid actions which might contravene ¾«¶«´«Ã½app policies and practices. These policies can be found at .

Other requirements

  1. Students can expect that questions in assessment items in this course may draw upon knowledge and skills that they can reasonably be expected to have acquired before enrolling in the course. This includes knowledge contained in pre-requisite courses and appropriate communication, information literacy, analytical, critical thinking, problem solving or numeracy skills. Students who do not possess such knowledge and skills should not expect to achieve the same grades as those students who do possess them.

  2. IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE WITHIN CHILDREN UNDER 18 UNLESS YOU POSSESS A CURRENT 'BLUE CARD'. State law is Queensland requires that ALL adults (including university students, pre-service educators, trainers, vocational teachers, industry educators) working with children under the age of 18 in the state of Queensland* obtain approval before commencing such work. Many education courses include a practical component (professional experience, project work, research, assessment etc) that may require engagement with children under the age of 18. It is your responsibility to ensure that you possess a current suitability card (Blue Card) before commencing any practical components of this course. For further information see: <> *If you are undertaking practical experience outside the State of Queensland, Australia, you should check local requirements.

  3. It is imperative that students check with the Examiner whether they need to obtain ethics clearance for any of their community work in this course.

  4. Students enrolling in WEB courses MUST have ongoing convenient and reliable access to the Internet in order to access course materials and participate in activities that will affect assessment. The levels of equipment required may change from time to time, with the most recent specification listed at You can check whether your computer system meets these requirements from USQAssist (.

Date printed 6 November 2020