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WIN3304 Viticultural and Winemaking Practice 2

Semester 3, 2020 External
Short Description: Viticultural & Wine Prac 2
Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences
School or Department : School of Sciences
Student contribution band : Band 2
ASCED code : 019905 - Food Science and Biotechnology
Grading basis : Graded




Pre-requisite: WIN1101


This course provides a practical introduction to viticultural practices in the spring to summer period, considering topics such as flowering, vineyard management, spraying, pest & disease management, fertilisation, irrigation, floor management, cover crops and canopy management. Winemaking skills and topics include barrel maturation, clarification, stabilisation, fining, finishing and bottling. It also provides further practice in techniques of analysis of wine components in the context of this phase of wine production. It is designed to impart industrially relevant skills in real vineyard and winery settings. Specific practical activities and skills development are targeted according to what is occurring in industry at that stage of the viticultural and winemaking season in which the residential school occurs, in this case over the spring vineyard management period. Emphasis is given to developing competence in practical vineyard management and winemaking skills.


This course mainly comprises a mandatory, intensive 5 day residential school, based at the Queensland College of Wine Tourism, and provides a practical introduction to viticultural practices in the spring to summer period, considering topics such as flowering, vineyard management, spraying, pest & disease management, fertilisation, irrigation, floor management, cover crops and canopy management. Winemaking skills and topics include maturation, clarification, stabilisation, fining, finishing and bottling. It also provides further practice in techniques of analysis of wine components in the context of this phase of wine production through activities in the Queensland College of Wine Tourism vineyard and winery facilities and field trips to local commercial vineyards and wineries. In addition students will be guided through appropriate preparatory activities prior to the residential school and follow-up activities will include completion of a report on activities and outcomes. The practical experience in this course is set in context of relevant viticultural and winemaking activities and relates to elements of the theoretical courses WIN1101 (Grape and Wine Production), WIN2102 (Wine composition, stability and analysis), WIN2204 (Wine Biochemistry), WIN2205 (Viticultural Principles) WIN2206 (Wine Microbiology), WIN3302 (Viticultural Production) and WIN3303 (Wine Production). It builds upon skills developed in WIN2201 (Wine Analysis Practice), WIN2202 (Winemaking Practice 1) and WIN2203 (Viticultural Practice 1).

This course contains a mandatory residential school.


On completion of this course students will be able to:

  1. demonstrate an understanding of vine structure, flowering and vine structure;
  2. demonstrate an understanding of the rationale, equipment and methods for spring season vineyard management, spraying, pest & disease management, fertilisation, irrigation, floor management, cover crops and canopy management;
  3. demonstrate competence in the methods for spring season vineyard management, spraying, pest & disease management, fertilisation, irrigation, floor management, cover crop use and canopy management;
  4. demonstrate an understanding of the rationale, equipment and methods of wine processing and finishing;
  5. demonstrate competence in the methods of wine processing and finishing.


Description Weighting(%)
1. Vine structure, flowering and ampelography 20.00
2. Practical vineyard management, spraying, pest & disease management, fertilisation, irrigation, floor management, cover crops and canopy management 40.00
3. Practical wine processing and finishing. 40.00

Text and materials required to be purchased or accessed

ALL textbooks and materials available to be purchased can be sourced from (unless otherwise stated). (https://omnia.usq.edu.au/textbooks/?year=2020&sem=03&subject1=WIN3304)

Please for alternative purchase options from USQ Bookshop. (https://omnia.usq.edu.au/info/contact/)

Dry, PR & Coombe, BG 2005, Viticulture, 2nd edn, Winetitles, Adelaide.
(Volume 1: Resources(vi).)
Dry, PR & Coombe, BG 2005, Viticulture, 2nd edn, Winetitles, Adelaide.
(Volume 2: Practices (v2).)
Iland, P, Bruer, N, Ewart, A, Markides, A, Sitters, J 2012, Monitoring the winemaking process from grapes to wine: techniques and concepts, 2nd edn, Patrick Iland Wine Promotions Pty Ltd, Adelaide.
Kennedy, UJ & Learmonth, RP 2014, WIN3304 Viticultural and Winemaking Practice 2 Course Manual, 精东传媒app of Southern Queensland.
Zoecklein, BW, Fugelsang, KC, Gump, BH & Nury, FS 1999, Wine analysis and production, Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York.

Reference materials

Reference materials are materials that, if accessed by students, may improve their knowledge and understanding of the material in the course and enrich their learning experience.
Boulton, RB, Singleton, VL, Bisson LF & Kunkee, RE 1999, Principles and practice of winemaking, Springer, New York.
Gladstones, J 1992, Viticulture and Environment, Winetitles, Adelaide.
Iland, P, Bruer, N, Edwards, G, Weeks, S, Wilkes, E 2013, Chemical analysis of grapes and wine: techniques and concepts, 2nd edn, Patrick Iland Wine Promotions Pty Ltd, Adelaide.
Iland, P, Gago, P, Caillard, P & Dry, P 2009, A taste of the world of Wine, Patrick Iland Wine Promotions Pty Ltd, Adelaide.
Mullins, MG, Bouquet, A & Williams, LE 1992, Biology of the grapevine, Cambridge 精东传媒app Press, London.
Peynaud, E 1985, Knowing and making wine, Wiley, New York.
Rankine, BC 2004, Making good wine: A manual of winemaking practice for Australia and New Zealand, MacMillan, Sydney.
Smart, R and Robin, M 1991, Sunlight into Wine: A Handbook for Winegrape Canopy Management, Winetitles, Adelaide.

Student workload expectations

Activity Hours
Directed 精东传媒app 60.00
Private 精东传媒app 60.00
Residential Schools 40.00

Assessment details

Description Marks out of Wtg (%) Due Date Notes
Residential School Attendance 1 1 17 Nov 2020 (see note 1)
Assignment 1 20 20 23 Nov 2020
Practical Competence Testing 49 49 27 Nov 2020 (see note 2)
Residential School Report 30 30 14 Dec 2020

  1. The Mandatory Residential School will be scheduled over 5 days. The dates of the residential school are available from the Residential School Timetable (http://www.usq.edu.au/handbook/current/resschoolsched.html).
  2. Practical Competence Testing is integrated with activities during the Residential School; individual procedures will be verified once mastery is demonstrated.

Important assessment information

  1. Attendance requirements:
    It is the students' responsibility to attend and participate appropriately in all activities (such as lectures, tutorials, laboratories and practical work) scheduled for them, and to study all material provided to them or required to be accessed by them to maximise their chance of meeting the objectives of the course and to be informed of course-related activities and administration. Students must attend the mandatory residential school. To maximise their chances of satisfying the objectives of the mandatory Residential School which delivers the practical component of the course, students should attend and actively participate in the industry experience and laboratory sessions in the course and maintain a satisfactory record of practical work.

  2. Requirements for students to complete each assessment item satisfactorily:
    To complete the Residential School Attendance item satisfactorily students must attend at least 80% of the mandatory residential school. To complete each of the other assessment items satisfactorily, students must obtain at least 50% of the marks available for each assessment item.

  3. Penalties for late submission of required work:
    Students should refer to the Assessment Procedure (point 4.2.4)

  4. Requirements for student to be awarded a passing grade in the course:
    To be assured of receiving a passing grade a student must attend at least 80% of the mandatory residential school and achieve at least 50% of the total weighted marks available for the course.

  5. Method used to combine assessment results to attain final grade:
    The final grades for students will be assigned on the basis of the aggregate of the weighted marks obtained for each of the summative assessment items in the course.

  6. Examination information:
    There is no examination for this course.

  7. Examination period when Deferred/Supplementary examinations will be held:
    There is no Deferred/Supplementary examination for this course.

  8. 精东传媒app Student Policies:
    Students should read the USQ policies: Definitions, Assessment and Student Academic Misconduct to avoid actions which might contravene 精东传媒app policies and practices. These policies can be found at .

Assessment notes

  1. In order to attend laboratory classes, students must provide and wear appropriate personal protective equipment. This shall include a laboratory coat, closed in shoes, and safety glasses. Such equipment must be approved by supervising staff. To attend classes and industry experience in vineyards and wineries, suitable attire will include comfortable, robust footwear, safety glasses, clothing appropriate to the season of activities, and for outdoor activities appropriate sun protection (clothing, sun block, hat etc.). Failure to provide and wear the appropriate safety equipment will result in students being excluded from classes and activities.

  2. Harvard (AGPS) is the referencing system required in this course. Students should use Harvard (AGPS) style in their assignments to format details of the information sources they have cited in their work. The Harvard (AGPS) style to be used is defined by the USQ Library's referencing guide.

Date printed 12 February 2021