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CLI8001 Climate Risk

Semester 1, 2022 Online
Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences
School or Department : School of Agriculture and Environmental Science
Grading basis : Graded
Course fee schedule : /current-students/administration/fees/fee-schedules




Assessing the risks and impacts from climate variability and change is an important activity for society in order to secure the world鈥檚 food needs and manage food production systems sustainably. This needs to be based upon sound scientific knowledge and understanding of the processes that drive climate variability and future changes. The course is of relevance to students that wish to gain a better understanding of risks from climate variability and change including the impacts upon agriculture and food production systems.

Global agriculture and food production systems are impacted by significant variability in climate on many temporal and spatial scales. The course will commence with a review of global climate trends and will focus on recent climate history, the many phenomena that drive climate and weather, discusses climate variability, and reviews and assesses the impacts of current and future projected climatic changes. Australia provides an example as world-leader in adapting its food production systems to climate variability and in utilising information such as climate observations and forecasting tools. Current autonomous and planned adaptation practices and possible response strategies to future climatic impacts will be discussed.

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course students should be able to demonstrate:

  1. a depth of understanding of global climate, its variability and future change
  2. a broad understanding of the effects of climate variability and climate change on agriculture
  3. the ability to critically assess climate risks to agriculture and food production systems
  4. an ability to utilise climate information to assess climate variability.


Description Weighting(%)
1. Global Climate 20.00
2. Drivers of Rainfall 20.00
3. Climate Variability 20.00
4. Climate Changes 20.00
5. Adaptation Strategies 20.00

Text and materials required to be purchased or accessed

Access to the following e-book is provided via the USQ library:

Stokes, C. and Howden, M. (2010) Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change. CSIRO Publishing. 286pp;
see .
Other texts and reading materials will be provided as course readings throughout the term, including readings from the following reports:

IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability; see and various chapters.

Student workload expectations

To do well in this subject, students are expected to commit approximately 10 hours per week including class contact hours, independent study, and all assessment tasks. If you are undertaking additional activities, which may include placements and residential schools, the weekly workload hours may vary.

Assessment details

Approach Type Description Group
Weighting (%) Course learning outcomes
Assignments Written Essay No 30 1,2,4
Assignments Written Report No 45 1,3,4
Assignments Written Online forums No 25 1,2,3,4
Date printed 10 February 2023