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MID2101 Professional, Political, Legal and Ethical Contexts of Midwifery

Semester 1, 2022 Online
Units : 1
Faculty or Section : Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences
School or Department : School of Nursing and Midwifery
Grading basis : Graded
Course fee schedule : /current-students/administration/fees/fee-schedules




Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in the following Program: BMID


This course will introduce students to professional, political, legal and ethical contexts including the historical journey of midwifery. Students will develop an understanding of the midwife鈥檚 roles, responsibilities and scope of midwifery practice when providing primary care. A healthy, woman-centred framework will provide a basis for students to develop an understanding of models of care, governance to support midwifery practice and the legal and ethical frameworks for safe practice.

This course aims to provide foundational knowledge in order to develop a midwifery philosophy and begin to practice as a primary carer. The course will enable students to develop an understanding of the scope of practice of midwives in Australia and the significance of partnerships and the provision of a variety of midwifery models of care. Students will expand their knowledge of evidence based practice to include the discipline of midwifery in order to enhance clinical decision making.

Course learning outcomes

On completion of this course students should be able to:

  1. Explore the role of the midwife as a primary maternity care provider;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of historical and socio-political influences on midwifery practice and the impact of current reforms in Australian maternity services;
  3. Examine the scope of practice of midwives and apply relevant legal and ethical standards and guidelines aligned to midwifery practice;
  4. Compare and contrast the various models of maternity care available to women in Australia;
  5. Outline key factors associated with midwifery partnerships and developing interprofessional relationships with women and their families using evidence-based practice and informed decision making framework;
  6. Examine the need for accountability and responsibility to ensure professional midwifery practice;
  7. Compare and contrast evidence-based midwifery practice from an international, national, regional and remote Australia perspective.


Description Weighting(%)
1. The midwife in context 20.00
2. Influences on contemporary midwifery practice 20.00
3. International, National and Regional perspectives 20.00
4. Professional issues concerning the midwife and midwifery practice 20.00
5. Models of Maternity Care 10.00
6. Frameworks for adopting evidence based midwifery 10.00

Text and materials required to be purchased or accessed

Homer. C, Brodie. P, Sandall. J & Leap, N 2019, Midwifery Continuity of Care: A Practical Guide, 2nd edn, Elsevier, Sydney.
Page, L. A & McCandlish, R 2006, The New Midwifery, 2nd edn, Elsevier, Sydney.
Pairman, S, Pincombe, J, Thorogood, C & Tracy, S 2019, Midwifery: Preparation for Practice, 4th edn, Elsevier, Sydney.

Student workload expectations

To do well in this subject, students are expected to commit approximately 10 hours per week including class contact hours, independent study, and all assessment tasks. If you are undertaking additional activities, which may include placements and residential schools, the weekly workload hours may vary.

Assessment details

Approach Type Description Group
Weighting (%) Course learning outcomes
Assignments Oral Critique (oral) A1 of 3 Yes 4 1,3,5
Assignments Written Essay No 30 1,2,3,6
Assignments Oral Critique (oral) A2 of 3 Yes 4 1,3,5
Assignments Oral Critique (oral) A3 of 3 Yes 12 1,3,5
Examinations Non-invigilated Time limited online examinatn No 50 3,4,5,6
Date printed 10 February 2023