The current and official versions of the course specifications are available on the web at .
Please consult the web for updates that may occur during the year.
This course ensures that students enrolled in the Master of Professional Studies (Research) program understand its fundamental theoretical underpinnings and the principles adopted in the USQ approach to enhancing professional practice based on research of professional practice. It also prepares and equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure that their progression through the program is seamless and sufficiently self-directed.
By completing the course students will understand the theoretical, professional and academic standards associated with the Master of Professional Studies (Research) program and the levels of support/guidance that they can expect while conducting their research from their supervisory team.
Students will also have completed work associated with enhancing their reflective practice as a necessary component of conducting professional practice research. The course outcomes will also include the agreed professional, academic and organisational / community development outcomes associated with their learning and research project plan.