The current and official versions of the course specifications are available on the web at .
Please consult the web for updates that may occur during the year.
Master of Professional Studies (Research) students undertaking their professional studies research project on a full-time basis should enrol in this course for each semester until the completion of the project. This will normally be for a total of two semesters or when the candidate is ready to finalise and submit their project thesis in agreement with their supervisor. The student will combine work and study, by coherently investigating, analysing, assessing and developing possible improvements or innovations to some agreed aspect(s), process(es), procedure(s) or product(s)) in their professional practice. With the help and support of a supervisor, it is expected that the student will examine recent literature to learn what is already known about their research topics, apply a high level of skill in assessing and addressing ethical considerations in their study and related professional practice, learn about appropriate research methods and conduct research, as specified in the student's approved professional studies research project proposal. The student must demonstrate a capability of successfully undertaking self-managed and/or collaborative research and project development and provide a report of their progress at the completion of each study period.