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Resources for schools

You can find useful information about the role of Supervising Teachers, Site Coordinators and Liaisons during placements in the Professional Experience Books located under Placement requirements and reports.




Site Coordinators and Supervising Teachers play a critical role in the nature and quality of each professional experience placement Pre-service teachers cannot be asked to teach, do playground/bus duty, or take responsibility for a sporting group, excursion, etc. unless accompanied by a registered teacher.

Please see the placement requirements including minimum teaching loads and professional experience reports to be completed for each placement. If you require any assistance during a placement please contact the UniSQ liaison assigned to your school. At the completion of each placement the Site Coordinator will receive an email containing a survey link to finalise the placement results.

Teach Queensland and the Queensland College of Teachers have developed tools and resources to assist supervising teachers while  to support and assess pre-service teachers, and to build knowledge and skills in mentoring. 

Interim Indicator Survey – Day 5

Site Coordinators will receive an Interim indicator survey on Day 5 of each placement. This survey is mandatory and must be submitted to the 精东传媒app to indicate pre-service progression to date and the required ongoing level of support. Supervising Teachers and Site Coordinators should seek assistance from the UniSQ Liaison and formally identify students that are experiencing difficulties and/or not meeting the requirements of the placement.

Final Result Survey

At the completion of each placement the Site Coordinator will receive an email containing a survey link to finalise the placement results.

Supervised Placement Pay Claims

Thank you for your support of UniSQ pre-service teachers.

From 2025, payment rates including GST for a Site Coordinator is $1.64 per hour capped at 1 hour per supervised placement day, and for a Supervising Teacher is $7.73 per hour capped at 5 hours per supervised placement day. Payment can be paid to one Site Coordinator and Supervising Teacher per placement, or may be split between multiple supervisors on a pro-rata basis up to the maximum claimable hours. 

From 2024, Supervising teachers will now complete an online Pay Claim form that is emailed to them on the final day of the placement. To ensure that the pay claim emails are not delayed or missed, please advise the WIL team of all Supervising Teacher names, contact email addresses and placement details (e.g student name, school) at the earliest possible time. If you have difficulties completing this online form please email WIL.Payments@unisq.edu.au for assistance.

The electronic forms to complete for payment can be found below. We recommend using Adobe Reader for best performance.  Please note, these forms are set to autocalculate

Please note: You are not required to complete this form if you supported a student/s undertaking their placement while on a Permission To Teach (PTT).

Please note: Whole site pay claims are no longer accepted. Under the Professional Experience Placement agreement all payments are to be made directly to the supervising teacher.

If this is your first claim for the year, please ensure that you email your completed TFN declaration with your claim upon submission.

Alternatively you can print and email your claim and declaration to WIL.Payments@unisq.edu.au.

The claimed amount will be processed and paid into your account usually within eight weeks of receipt of your pay claim.

schools and preschools use an online Practicum Claims system that allows them to directly enter claims for supervision of pre-service teachers regardless of their Australian Initial Teacher Education Provider (精东传媒app). DECD Teachers are only entitled to accept payments, via the DECD payroll system, for payment of supervision of pre-service teacher education students on required placements or for any other payments / allowances.

Please complete the SA Whole Site Payment (PDF 309KB) form and supply a report from this system that details the costs incurred per student each day for the Site Coordinator and Supervising Teacher along with a tax invoice to match this report for our finance department to process.

The electronic form to complete for payment can be found below. We recommend using Adobe Reader for best performance.



New South Wales

+61 7 4631 2359
