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Stage 1: Formal Grievance

If your concerns remain unresolved after contacting the responsible person or area, or you do not wish to discuss your issue informally, you can lodge a formal Student Grievance.

It is expected that a Student Grievance will seek to show that an action, determination or omission by the 精东传媒app, has negatively impacted your studies or student experience (eg. grades or results). 

The UniSQ offers free confidential support for UniSQ students and is able to assist you with the drafting of your Formal Grievance and ensuring that you have provided all of the necessary documentation. The Student Guild is independent of the 精东传媒app.

Once you have drafted your Student Grievance and have gathered you supporting documents, you can lodge your grievance . 

We will address your concerns using the  and . All formal grievances will receive a written response from the 精东传媒app which will include the reason for the decision and information on further options for review, if required. 

If you are seeking to dispute or contest a formal decision made by the 精东传媒app, such as in relation to assessment of a credit application or denial of re-admission, you should go to Stage 2: Review of Decision.

Want to remain anonymous? Please select that option when completing the . Please note the 精东传媒app’s ability to investigate anonymous Complaints may be limited.

You are encouraged to contact the in the first instance for information and support options, including how to report an incident.

Next steps: Report a concern or incident .

Public Interest Disclosure

A public interest disclosure is a disclosure about conduct by a public officer. Review the .

Fraud and Corruption

Review the .

Next steps: If you believe you should formally bring your concerns about the behaviour or conduct of a UniSQ employee or fraud or corruption allegations to UniSQ for investigation, please email USQ.Integrity@unisq.edu.au

Student grievance resolution process
Learn more about what you can do if you have concerns about your study experience. This video explains the formal and informal options for resolving an issue.