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Student safety

Harassment and discrimination

is available to provide information, support and assistance around discrimination, workplace harassment, sexual harassment and bullying (eg race, gender, sexuality or disability discrimination). 

UniSQ Ally Network

The UniSQ Ally Network aims to provide a safe-zone and a visible support network for students and employees who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual or intersex (LGBTIQ).

Personal protection service

UniSQ Security provides close personal protection (escorts) to students, staff and visitors upon campus 24 hours, seven days per week, if available. If you intend to work late at night or require assistance please contact the Security Office on your campus.


Cyberbullying is any kind of bullying or harassment that occurs through the use of technology. Cyberbullying can be especially upsetting because of its ability to be public, difficult to remove, and it can follow an individual into their own home.

Signs and symptoms of cyberbullying

Some common signs and symptoms of cyber bullying are:

  • Receiving nasty, hurtful, abusive or embarrassing messages over text messages or through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or other Internet forums, from people who you do or do not know
  • People posting or circulating comments, photos or videos that are intentionally trying to embarrass or hurt you,
  • Spreading rumours online or via text messages
  • Having your password stolen, your account hacked or a fake profile set-up pretending to be you
  • Feeling  depressed, guilty, hopeless, unsafe or ashamed that this bullying is occurring to you

Strategies that can help prevent or stop cyberbullying

  • Do not share your private information like passwords, usernames, name, address or phone number with people you don't know
  • Review your privacy settings so you are comfortable with who can view your profile
  • If you can, block and/or delete the bully and report the abuse to the service
  • Try not to respond or retaliate to bullying messages; this can encourage further bullying
  • Collect evidence of the bullying that you can provide to the service or, if need be, to the police.

Useful resources


That's Not Cool is a campaign that uses digital examples of controlling, pressuring and threatening behaviour to raise awareness of and prevent cyberbullying.

The Australian Human Rights Commission fact sheet outlines what cyberbullying is, how it is damaging, and ways to protect yourself online.

People who can help

If cyberbullying is making it difficult for you to study or affecting other aspects of your life you may want to consider seeking medical support or seeing a counsellor. 

Please contact us for further support or to make an appointment.  If you need assistance after hours several emergency support options are available to you.