
Bachelor of Science (BSCI) - BSc

QTAC code (Australian and New Zealand applicants): Information Technology (Toowoomba campus and Distance education: 906779); Physical Sciences (Distance education: 906125); Biology (Toowoomba campus and Distance education: 906839; Fraser Coast campus: 916831); Computing (Toowoomba campus and Distance education: 906769); Environment and Sustainability (Toowoomba campus: 906261; Distance education: 906265; Fraser Coast campus: 916261); Human Physiology (Toowoomba campus and Distance education: 906829; Fraser Coast campus: 916821); Psychology and Human Physiology (Toowoomba campus: 906321); Mathematics (Toowoomba campus and Distance education: 906819); Psychology (Toowoomba campus: 906331; Distance education: 906335)

CRICOS code (International applicants): 042230E

 On-campus#^+**Distance education*^
Semester intake:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Campus:Fraser Coast, Toowoomba -
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:3 years full-time, 6 years part-time, 9 years maximum 
#First year Psychology will be offered by mixed mode with four non-Psychology courses offered on-campus at Fraser Coast, and four Psychology courses in the external mode.
^Students may commence studying the Human Biology major in Semester 3, studying courses via distance education and on-campus and then continuing the program next year at the Toowoomba campus. Note: the full complement of courses are not available in S3, therefore full-time students may not be able to complete in 3 years if commencing in semester 3.
+Please note: Fraser Coast campus students can only study first year Bachelor of Science (Biology) and Bachelor of Science (Human Biology) at Fraser Coast campus. Students will then need to transfer to the Toowoomba campus to complete their studies. Both these programs are only available for the Semester 1 intake at the Fraser Coast campus. Semester 2 intake is only applicable to students studying at the Toowoomba campus. Following completion of the first year, Bachelor of Science (Environment and Sustainability) students may wish to relocate to Toowoomba or continue in external mode with the option of taking 2nd and 3rd year electives in on-campus mode at Fraser Coast.
**The Physical Sciences major is only offered by distance education.
*The majors in Human Biology, Biology and Human Physiology are not available by distance education.

Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: studysci@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email: usq.support@usq.edu.au 

In this section:

Human Biology (16-unit major)

Students are able to focus on improving their knowledge of the human body. Students undertake specialist courses in physiology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, cell biology and molecular biology. Students are able to elect to study further courses human-related such as pharmacology, pathophysiology and psychology.

Career opportunities

Medical, Clinical or Research Technicians in Hospital Laboratories, ¾«¶«´«Ã½app and Health or Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology Industry and Medical Technologies Marketing, Clinical Physiology and Diagnostic Industries, Pathology Laboratory Scientist, Medical Scientist, Research Scientist. The Bachelor of Health (Biomedical Science) is an excellent pathway to seek entry into graduate medical programs.

Mathematics and Statistics (12-unit major)

This major allows students to develop skills in mathematics and statistics and examine the fundamentals of pure and applied mathematics, theoretical and applied statistics, mathematical modelling and operations research. Students will learn how to use computational methods as an aid to the processes of analysis, modelling and decision-making.

Career opportunities

Statistics, Biometrics, Operations Research and Management, Actuary, Industrial Mathematics, Teaching (following Teacher Training), Mathematician, Mathematical Modelling, Operations Management, Financial Analyst, Systems Analyst, Risk or Focus Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Data Mining, Cryptography, Biostatistician, Epidemiologist, Hydrology Modeller, Data Mining Researcher, Speech Processing Researcher, Market Researcher, Quantitative Risk Analyst, Statistical Analyst, Data Analyst, Actuarial Business Analyst, Research Officer, Social Researcher, Survey Researcher, Psychological Statistician, Measurement Scientist, Research Scientist in Mapping & Monitoring, Financial Modelling, Environmental Modelling, Engineering Modelling, Research Economist, Finance Consultant, Business Analyst, Psychometrician.

Information Technology (12-unit major)

The Information Technology major will develop students’ skills and knowledge in software development, programming languages, networking and the design and implementation of computer systems and information systems.

Career opportunities

Application of Computing to Business, Information Systems Manager, Computer Sales Representative, Computer Consultant, Information Manager, Computer Systems Officer, Chief Information Officer, Information Centre Manager, Systems Analyst/Programmer, System Development Coordinator, Computer Educator, Commercial Application Developer.

Psychology (12-unit major)

Psychologists study people and their behaviour. Their professional training helps them to understand how people develop throughout their lives; behave in groups, organisations and communities; see, think, hear, feel, learn and remember; relate and interact with others; and cope with anxiety, ageing, death, divorce, disability, disaster, accidents and other life events. The Psychology Major in USQ’s Bachelor of Science is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) as providing the first three years of the necessary requirements for full membership for membership of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the first three years of the necessary requirements for full registration as a psychologist in Australia. Full membership of the Australian Psychological Society requires six years of appropriate ¾«¶«´«Ã½app study: an Honours year plus a Masters degree, or substantial progress towards a Doctorate. Full registration as a psychologist requires: an Honours year plus two years of supervised practice or an Honours year plus a Masters or Doctorate degree.

Career opportunities

Psychologist (with further study), Welfare Officer, Counselling, Vocational and Occupational Guidance, Training and Development, and other related areas in Administration and Research in the Public and Private sectors, Clinical, Educational, Counselling, Sports, Organisational or Forensic Psychologist, Human Resource Management, Police Service, Corrective Services.

Biology (8-unit major)

This major provides students with a broad knowledge in biology, chemistry and communications, and a more detailed knowledge in disciplines such as biochemistry, genetics, microbiology and physiology.

Career opportunities

Research Officer (Universities, Defence, CSIRO, DPI, Industry, Government, Health), Technical Officer (Labs), Technical/Sales Representative in Pharmaceutical, Medical and Biotechnological Industries. Molecular Biologists, Microbiologists. After further study: Biotechnologist, Dietitian, Research Scientist, Secondary Science Teaching, Medicine. Employment opportunities also exist in Laboratory work in Agricultural, Food, Health, Medical, Veterinary, Educational and Industrial settings, Plant Breeding, Science Journalism, National Parks.

Computing (8-unit major)

This major provides flexibility to meet the needs of students wishing to combine some computing studies with other science disciplines. This major is of particular value to students who wish to pursue a career in teaching secondary science and computing.

Career opportunities

Computer Scientist, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Officer, Database Management System Administrator, Game Developer, LAN Manager, Network Administrator, Network Designer and Specialist, Network Security Analyst, Simulator, Database/Web/Network Developer, Software Designer, Systems Architect, Computer Systems Developer, Software Developer, Applications Specialist, Software Engineer.

Environment and Sustainability (8-unit major)

The Environment and Sustainability major draws on the disciplines of climatology, ecology and conservation to provide a relevant and applied understanding of the natural environment, its biodiversity and human impacts. The major focuses on practical approaches to resource management, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This major will provide completing students with a detailed knowledge of major environmental issues, key climate mechanisms, core ecological principles and human (socio-political) factors impacting upon the global environment and enable them to apply this knowledge in natural resource management and related disciplines.

Career opportunities

Climatologist, Climate Scientist, Climate Policy Analysts, Conservation and Biodiversity Management, Ecotourism, Environmental Consultant, Environmental Scientist, Natural Resource Management, National Parks, Research Scientist working in universities, defence organisations, CSIRO, Federal and State Government Departments of Primary Industries, Environment, Natural Resources, and the Australian Greenhouse Office, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and Australian Bureau of Resource Sciences, or in private industry companies active in fields, such as agriculture, insurance, energy, weather information, and water services; Science Teacher with further study; Science Journalism.

Human Physiology (8-unit major)

Students may combine this major with another discipline area such as psychology to strengthen their appreciation of the connections between psychological and physiological aspects of human health.

Career opportunities

In conjunction with a psychology major, this combination would be a major advantage in any careers involving the promotion of people's health and well-being.

Mathematics (8-unit major)

This major is typically taken by students who decide to pursue a double major or double degree path. It enables them to combine the rigour and logic of a scientific approach, which is an integral part of mathematical studies, with the specifics of a professional area of a particular interest. Second majors can be chosen from any of the other eight course majors defined for the Bachelor of Science, or (with the approval of the Program Coordinator) from other eight course majors from other undergraduate programs in the ¾«¶«´«Ã½app.

Career opportunities

Statistics, Biometrics, Operations Research and Management, Actuary, Industrial Mathematics, Teaching (following Teacher Training), Mathematician, Mathematical Modelling, Operations Management, Financial Analyst, Mathematics Journalism, Systems Analyst, Supply Chain Analyst, Quality Control, Quantative Analyst, Risk or Focus Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Data Mining, Cryptography, Secondary or Tertiary Teacher (when combined with relevant postgraduate studies), Commercial Property, Biostatistician, Manager for Risk Analytics, Epidemiologist, Hydrology Modeller, Data Mining Researcher, Speech Processing Researcher, Market Researcher, Quantitative Risk Analyst, Statistical Analyst, Data Analyst, Actuarial Business Analyst. Employment opportunities also exist in the Australian Bureau of Statistics, different banks, insurance companies, computing, logistics and engineering, and financial institutions.

Physical Sciences (8-unit major)

The physical sciences major provides students with a knowledge of physics and its application in the physical sciences. The major is aimed at providing an appropriate grounding for those pursuing a career as a physics teacher or a scientist. As part of this major students are also able to gain understanding of our planet and its climate, and learn physical principles relevant to the health sciences. Elective courses provide opportunities for broader study.

Career opportunities

Science Teacher (with further study), Scientist or Research Officer (Universities, Defence, CSIRO, DPI, Industry, Environment, Government, Health), Science Communicator, Technical Officer (Labs or Field Work).

Professional accreditation

The Information Technology major and the Computing major of this program are accredited at professional level by the and, through the Seoul Accord, is recognised in other countries.

The Bachelor of Science (Psychology) major is fully accredited by the as a three-year sequence of study.