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Bachelor of Human Services or Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHMSorBHSC) - BHS or BHSC

QTAC code (Australian and New Zealand applicants): External: 909315; Springfield campus: 929311.

CRICOS code (International applicants): 070616K

 On-campus *External
Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Campus: Toowoomba, Ipswich   
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Residential school: Mandatory (all majors except HRM) + Recommended (Child and Family Studies) OR Recommended and Highly Recommended (Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHSC) 
Standard duration: 3 years full-time, 7 years part-time  
* The only majors available on-campus in Toowoomba are Community Development and Indigenous Studies, and Human Resource Management.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

The Bachelor of Human Services is accredited with the (ACWA) for the following majors:

  • Child and Family Studies

  • Community Development and Indigenous Studies

  • Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHSC)

  • Health and Social Wellbeing.

Students who successfully complete these majors, including a minimum of 400 hours of professional placement (fieldwork) will be eligible to apply for ACWA accreditation.

ACWA is the primary professional organisation for workers across the community and welfare sectors including disability services.

Professional placement courses are not required in the Human Resource Management major and this major does not have (ACWA) accreditation.

Attendance recommendations - Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHSC) major: Students aiming to become professional counsellors and/or join professional counselling associations after further postgraduate studies in accredited counselling programs, are strongly recommended to attend residential schools for all of the following courses: CDS1001 Human Relations and Communications , CDS1002 Counselling Skills , CDS3001 Assessment and Report Writing in Counselling , CDS3002 Counselling Theory and Practice and CDS3005 Counselling Theory and Practice 3 . CDS3004 Counselling Theory and Practice 2 has a mandatory residential school. Students who attend residential schools will receive certification of attendance.

Attendance requirements - Child and Family Studies; Community Development and Indigenous Studies; Health and Social Wellbeing; Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHSC): Students undertaking all ACWA accredited majors must attend the three-day residential school included in HSW2120 Human Services Case Management . This is an (ACWA) accreditation requirement.

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Program aims

This program aims to provide an enhanced understanding of the basic issues, principles and human services paradigms in the social and community sector together with skills and theoretical frameworks for people interested in becoming human services professionals in the community and non-government sector. Particular major and minor studies will focus on competencies required for employment in these roles. The program affords the opportunity to engage in specialised study of marginalised groups.

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Program objectives

On completion of this program students should be able to:

  • apply knowledge and professional skills in human services surrounding the key issues appropriate to working in the community and government sectors

  • comprehend broad and coherent knowledge of professional and contextual issues in human services, counselling, child and family studies, human resources management, indigenous studies and community development, according to major/s undertaken

  • communicate in a variety of different forms including written, oral and digital contexts to a diverse audience

  • function as a team member and work autonomously according to practice requirements

  • examine theoretical knowledge of human services based on social justice and human rights in the Australian and global context

  • evaluate theoretical knowledge of environmental, economic and social contexts including knowledge of issues of indigeneity, diversity management, equity and justice.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The specified minimum entry requirement as determined by Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), or equivalent qualification.^
  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 2.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a 精东传媒app-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.


These are determined by the 精东传媒app for specific programs each Semester. The 2021 ATAR and tertiary entrance ranks are based on agreed QTAC schedules which assess formal study at Year 12 or , tertiary, preparatory, professional or vocational qualifications or work experience, as detailed in the QTAC Assessment of Qualifications Manual and QTAC Assessor Guidelines.

Adjustment factors may help you get into the program of your choice by increasing your entrance rank. The additional points don't apply to all applicants or all programs. Please read the information about UniSQ's carefully to find out what you may be eligible for.

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Requirements for professional experience placements

Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) accreditation is only applicable to students who complete a minimum of 400 hours of professional placement in the nominated majors of the Bachelor of Human Services. Students are offered 210 hours per placement in order to provide a buffer against unexpected variations in attendance. To be eligible to apply for ACWA accreditation, students are required to successfully complete HSW2299 Professional Placement A (210 hours) and HSW3399 Professional Placement B (210 hours).

Applicants must be willing to undertake and submit the requirements of the 精东传媒app of Southern Queensland for practical placement. Please refer to the relevant for Bachelor of Human Services Students.

Students may be required to demonstrate immunisation status depending upon the nature of service delivery and the conditions assigned by the host human services agency.

Mandatory Documents required prior to commencing ANY clinical placements in the program:

  • Blue Card or Working with Children Check

  • Australian Police Certificate

  • Resume

  • UniSQ Student Declaration

  • UniSQ Placement Request Form

Students completing the Human Resource Management major are not required to undertake a clinical placement.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program completion requirements

Students will be eligible to graduate from the Bachelor of Human Services following satisfactory completion of all theoretical and fieldwork components (if required). Some courses have compulsory attendance requirements and to satisfy the placement courses students must participate in the required hours of placement offered at off-campus venues and satisfactorily demonstrate the learning objectives of the course.

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Program structure

The program comprises 24 units including 8 core courses/units and one of the following combinations:

  • one 8-unit Human Services major, one 4-unit minor and 4 electives or

  • one 8-unit Human Services major and two 4-unit minors or

  • one 8-unit Human Services major and 8 electives or

  • one 8-unit Human Services major and one other major. *

* The second 8-unit major can be chosen from any approved 8-unit major in the 精东传媒app. Students should ensure that they complete the appropriate courses in their second major in order to graduate with a double major in the Bachelor of Human Services. Where two majors are chosen which have some compulsory courses in common, the overlap will be made up by taking extra electives.

At least four courses in the program must be at Level 3.

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 9 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

All majors other than Human Resource Management

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development   1,3  ONC, ONL 
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services   ONC, ONL 
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines   ONC, ONL 
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing   ONC, ONL  
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia   1,2 (Semester 2 ONC at UniSQ Ipswich only)  ONC, ONL 
HSW2299 Professional Placement A   1,2  EXT 
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management *  EXT 
HSW3399 Professional Placement B   1,2  EXT 

* Mandatory three-day residential school

Core Courses for Human Resource Management major

ACWA Accreditation is not available in the Human Resource Management (HRM) major. Students who wish to undertake the HRM major and have ACWA accreditation, should seek to undertake the HRM major as their second major (i.e. should complete the core courses for all majors other than HRM instead of the courses listed below).

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development   1,3  ONC, ONL 
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services   ONC, ONL 
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines   ONC, ONL 
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing   ONC, ONL  
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support   ONL 
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia   1,2 (Semester 2 ONC at UniSQ Ipswich only)  ONC, ONL 
CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship   1,2,3  ONC, ONL (Semester 3 ONL only) 
POL1000 Government, Business and Society   1,2  ONC, ONL (Semester 2 ONL only) 

Specific majors

In this section:

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Child and Family Studies major (8 units)

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
HSW1400 Working with Families in the Human Services   ONC, ONL 
EDU3325 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect for Helping Professionals %  1, 3  ONL 
EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions %  1,3  ONL 
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support   ONL 
HSW2211 Youth Work Practice **  ONC, ONL 
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan   ONC, ONL 
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches   ONL 
HSW1300 Introduction to Child Protection Practice   ONC, ONL 

% All BHMS students who are required to complete EDU3325 and EDU3335 are asked to enrol as early as possible in the required year of study as places are limited.
** Offer unavailable On-Campus Ipswich S2 2022

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BHSC - Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) major (8 units)

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mod 
CDS1001 Human Relations and Communications ^  EXT 
CDS1002 Counselling Skills *  EXT 
CDS3002 Counselling Theory and Practice ^  EXT 
CDS3004 Counselling Theory and Practice 2 #  EXT 
Four courses from 
CDS3001 Assessment and Report Writing in Counselling ^  EXT 
CDS3005 Counselling Theory and Practice 3 ^  EXT 
EDU3325 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect for Helping Professionals %  1, 3  ONL 
EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions %  1,3  ONL 
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan   ONC, ONL 

^ Recommended residential school.
* Highly Recommended residential school.
# Mandatory residential school.
% All BHSC students who are required to complete EDU3325 and EDU3335 are asked to enrol as early as possible in the required year of study as places are limited.

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Community Development and Indigenous Studies major (8 units)

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
ISE2000 Reconciliation from Policy to Practice   ONL 
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches   ONL 
ISE2002 Human Rights and Ideologies of the Nation State   ONC, ONL 
POL1000 Government, Business and Society   1,2  ONC, ONL (Semester 2 ONL only) 
PRL2002 Community Consultation and Development   ONC, ONL 
ISE3000 Language, Culture, Country and Community   ONC, ONL 
ISE1002 Comparative and Contemporary Indigenous Cultures   ONL 
SOC3000 Collaborative Community Problem Solving   ONL 

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Health and Social Wellbeing major (8 units)

Courses  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support   ONL 
HSW2200 Disability Theory and Concepts   ONC, ONL 
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan   ONC, ONL 
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches   ONL 
ISE1002 Comparative and Contemporary Indigenous Cultures   ONL 
EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions   1,3  ONL 
POL1000 Government, Business and Society   1,2  ONC, ONL (Semester 2 ONL only) 
Approved Course (must be at Level 3)     

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Human Resource Management major (8 units)

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
MGT1001 Foundations of Human Resource Management   ONC, ONL 
MGT2001 Risk Mitigation, Work Health and Safety   ONC, ONL 
MGT2002 Perspectives of Organisation   1,2,3  ONC, ONL (Semesters 1 and 3 ONL only) 
MGT2004 Enhancing Performance **  ONC, ONL 
MGT3001 Global Management   1,3  ONC, ONL (Semester 3 ONL only) 
MGT3002 Managing Change #   ONC, ONL 
MGT3005 Workforce Design *   ONC, ONL 
MGT3006 Employment Relations ~  ONC, ONL 

** Students who have successfully completed MGT2004 People Development should not complete MGT2004 Enhancing Performance .
# This is a capstone course and students should not enrol in it until they have completed at least six of the other courses in the Human Resource Management major.
* Students who have successfully completed MGT2000 Staffing and Remuneration or MGT2000 Workforce Design should not complete MGT3005 Workforce Design
~ Students who have successfully completed MGT2006 Employment Relations should not complete MGT3006 Employment Relations

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Approved courses

Course  Semester(s) offered  Mode 
ANT2002 Culture, Illness and Health #  ONC, ONL 
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support   ONL 
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches   ONL 
HSW2200 Disability Theory and Concepts   ONC, ONL  
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan   ONC, ONL 
CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship   1,2,3  ONC, ONL (Semester 3 ONL only) 
MGT3002 Managing Change   ONC,ONL 
SOC2022 Power and Society   ONL 
SOC3000 Collaborative Community Problem Solving   ONL 
SOC3001 Global Conflict Communication   ONC, ONL 
CDS3001 Assessment and Report Writing in Counselling ^  EXT 

# This course is offered in even years only.
^ Recommended residential school

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Minor Studies

Minor studies are designed to enable students to widen their knowledge and perspectives, or to complement their choice of major. Courses must be taken over two levels and should be in the same discipline or recognised multi-disciplinary area. Enrolment requirements must be satisfied for any course selected.

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IT requirements

Students should visit the UniSQ to check that their computers are capable of running the appropriate software and versions of Internet web browsers and to check the minimum and recommended standards for software.

Students will need internet access to retrieve course materials, undertake assessment and participate in course online activities.

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Residential schools

The attendance requirement of residential schools within this degree is indicated by the following letters: R = Recommended; HR = Highly Recommended; M = Mandatory. To find out more about , visit the to view specific dates for your degree, or visit the .

Certain courses within some of the majors involve residential schools:

* Recommended residential school: not linked to an assessment item, attendance is required to achieve optional Professional Accreditation requirements.

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The Diploma of Human Services and Development will articulate into the Bachelor of Human Services program provided students have completed the following eight courses: CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development , HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing , HSW2120 Human Services Case Management , four courses selected from the Bachelor of Human services core or any major and one elective.

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Exit points

Students who have successfully completed CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development , HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing , HSW2120 Human Services Case Management , plus five courses selected from the Bachelor of Human services core or any major may exit with the Diploma of Human Services and Development .

Students who have successfully completed the first 16 units of the Bachelor of Human Services in accordance with the recommended enrolment pattern (completed 6 specified core units, at least 4 courses from within one BHMS major and 6 courses allowed within the BHMS structure) may exit with the .

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Exemptions/credit will be assessed based on the .

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Child and Family Studies major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 1

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 1 1 1 1,3
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 1 1 M
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia 1 1 1 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 1 1 1
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
HSW1300 Introduction to Child Protection Practice 1 2 1 2
HSW1400 Working with Families in the Human Services 1 2 1 2

Year 2

CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support 2 1
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches 2 1
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 2 1 2 1
HSW2211 Youth Work Practice ** 2 2 2 2Pre-requisite: HSW2120 and CDS1000
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.

Year 3

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
EDU3325 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect for Helping Professionals 3 1, 3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3325 if EDU5325 has been previously completed.
EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions 3 1,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3335 if EDU5335 has been previously completed.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.
** Offer unavailable On-Campus Ipswich S2 2022

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Child and Family Studies major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 2

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1 - Semester 2

HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 1 2 1 2
HSW1300 Introduction to Child Protection Practice 1 2 1 2

Year 2 - Semester 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 2 1 2 1,3
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 2 1 M
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support 2 1

Year 2 - Semester 2

HSW2211 Youth Work Practice ** 2 2 2 2Pre-requisite: HSW2120 and CDS1000
HSW1400 Working with Families in the Human Services 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.

Year 3 - Semester 1

HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches 3 1
HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
EDU3325 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect for Helping Professionals 3 1, 3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3325 if EDU5325 has been previously completed.
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 3 1 3 1

Year 3 - Semester 2

2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

Year 4 - Semester 1

EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions 3 1,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3335 if EDU5335 has been previously completed.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1

+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.
** Offer unavailable On-Campus Ipswich S2 2022

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHSC) major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 1

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 1 1 1 1,3
CDS1001 Human Relations and Communications 1 1 R
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 1 1 M
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia 1 1 1 1,2
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
CDS1002 Counselling Skills 1 2 HR
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 2 1 2

Year 2

CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
CDS3002 Counselling Theory and Practice 2 1 RPre-requisite: CDS1002 or (PSY1010 and PSY1020)
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 1 2 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 1 2 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.

Year 3

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
CDS3004 Counselling Theory and Practice 2 3 1 MPre-requisite: CDS1002 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS3002
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

Approved courses: choose Four courses from:

     CDS3005 Counselling Theory and Practice 3 2 RPre-requisite: CDS3004
     EDU3325 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect for Helping Professionals 1, 3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3325 if EDU5325 has been previously completed.
     CDS3001 Assessment and Report Writing in Counselling 2 RPre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed 8 units prior to enrolling
     EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions 1,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3335 if EDU5335 has been previously completed.
     HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 1 1

^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHSC) major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 2

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1 - Semester 2

CDS1002 Counselling Skills 1 2 HR
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 1 2 1 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 2 1 2

Year 2 - Semester 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 2 1 2 1,3
CDS1001 Human Relations and Communications 2 1 R
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 2 1 M

Year 2 - Semester 2

HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2

Year 3 - Semester 1

CDS3002 Counselling Theory and Practice 3 1 RPre-requisite: CDS1002 or (PSY1010 and PSY1020)
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1

Year 3 - Semester 2

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

Year 4 - Semester 1

CDS3004 Counselling Theory and Practice 2 4 1 MPre-requisite: CDS1002 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS3002
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1

Approved courses: choose Four courses from:

     CDS3005 Counselling Theory and Practice 3 2 RPre-requisite: CDS3004
     EDU3325 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect for Helping Professionals 1, 3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3325 if EDU5325 has been previously completed.
     CDS3001 Assessment and Report Writing in Counselling 2 RPre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed 8 units prior to enrolling
     EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions 1,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3335 if EDU5335 has been previously completed.
     HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 2 1 2 1

+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 and HMT2000 within the one degree.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Community Development & Indigenous Studies major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 1

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 1 1 1 1,3
POL1000 Government, Business and Society 1 1 1 2
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 1 1 M
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia 1 1 1 1
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 2 1 2
ISE1002 Comparative and Contemporary Indigenous Cultures 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2

Year 2

CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
ISE2002 Human Rights and Ideologies of the Nation State 2 1 2 1
PRL2002 Community Consultation and Development 2 1 2 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 1 2 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
ISE2000 Reconciliation from Policy to Practice 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.

Year 3

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
ISE3000 Language, Culture, Country and Community 3 1 3 1
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
SOC3000 Collaborative Community Problem Solving 3 2Pre-requisite: 12 course units (though 16 course units is recommended)
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Community Development & Indigenous Studies major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 2

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1 - Semester 2

HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
ISE1002 Comparative and Contemporary Indigenous Cultures 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
POL1000 Government, Business and Society 1 2

Year 2 - Semester 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 2 1 2 1,3
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 2 1 M
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 2 1,2 2 1,2

Year 2 - Semester 2

HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.
ISE2000 Reconciliation from Policy to Practice 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2

Year 3 - Semester 1

HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
ISE2002 Human Rights and Ideologies of the Nation State 3 1 3 1
PRL2002 Community Consultation and Development 3 1 3 1

Year 3 - Semester 2

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
SOC3000 Collaborative Community Problem Solving 3 2Pre-requisite: 12 course units (though 16 course units is recommended)
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

Year 4 - Semester 1

ISE3000 Language, Culture, Country and Community 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1

^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.
+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Health and Social Wellbeing major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 1

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 1 1 1 1,3
POL1000 Government, Business and Society 1 1 1 1,2
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 1 1 M
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 1 1,2 1 1,2
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
ISE1002 Comparative and Contemporary Indigenous Cultures 1 2 1 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2

Year 2

CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 1 2 1
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support 2 1
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 2 1 2 1
HSW2200 Disability Theory and Concepts 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.

Year 3

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions 3 1,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3335 if EDU5335 has been previously completed.
HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Health and Social Wellbeing major (8 units) - commencing in Semester 2

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedResidential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1 - Semester 2

ISE1002 Comparative and Contemporary Indigenous Cultures 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 1 2 1 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 2 1 2

Year 2 - Semester 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 2 1 2 1,3
POL1000 Government, Business and Society 2 1 2 1,2
HSW2120 Human Services Case Management 2 1 M
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1

Year 2 - Semester 2

HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 2 2 2 2
HSW2200 Disability Theory and Concepts 2 2 2 2
HSW2299 Professional Placement A 2 1,2 Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: CDS2000 and HSW2120. Students must have completed at least 4 courses before undertaking placement.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2

Year 3 - Semester 1

HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support 3 1
HSW2220 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1

Year 3 - Semester 2

HSW3399 Professional Placement B 3 1,2 Pre-requisite: HSW2299
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

Year 4 - Semester 1

HSW3220 Integrative Community Based Approaches 4 1
EDU3335 Managing Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young People in the Helping Professions 3 1,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU3335 if EDU5335 has been previously completed.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1

+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Human Resource Management major (8 units) - commencing Semester 1

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 1 1 1 1,3
MGT1001 Foundations of Human Resource Management 1 1 1 1
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support 1 1
CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship 1 1,2 1 1,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in CMS1000 if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 2 1 2
HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 1 2 1 2
POL1000 Government, Business and Society 1 2

Year 2

CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 1 2 1
MGT3005 Workforce Design * 2 1 2 1Enrolment is not permitted in MGT3005 if MGT2000 has been previously completed.
MGT2001 Risk Mitigation, Work Health and Safety 2 1 2 1
MGT2002 Perspectives of Organisation 2 2 2 1,2,3
MGT2004 Enhancing Performance ** 2 2 2 2
MGT3006 Employment Relations 2 2 2 2Enrolment is not permitted in MGT3006 if MGT2006 has been previously completed.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2

Year 3

MGT3001 Global Management 3 1 3 1,3
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 1 3 1
MGT3002 Managing Change # 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.
* Students who have successfully completed MGT2000 Staffing and Remuneration or MGT2000 Workforce Design should not complete MGT3005 Workforce Design
** Students who have successfully completed MGT2004 People Development should not complete MGT2004 Enhancing Performance.
Students who have successfully completed MGT2006 Employment Relations should not complete MGT3006 Employment Relations
# This is a capstone course and students should not enrol in it until they have completed at least six of the other courses in the Human Resource Management major.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Human Resource Management major (8 units) - commencing Semester 2

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Year 1 - Semester 2

HSW1000 Foundations of the Human Services Disciplines 1 2 1 2
POL1000 Government, Business and Society 1 2
ISE1000 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia + 1 2 1 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 1 2 1 2

Year 2 - Semester 1

CDS1000 Community Welfare and Development 2 1 2 1,3
MGT1001 Foundations of Human Resource Management 2 1 2 1
HSW2100 Advocacy, Allies and Peer Support 2 1
CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services ^ 2 1 2 1

Year 2 - Semester 2

HSW1110 Mental Health and Wellbeing 2 2 2 2
MGT2002 Perspectives of Organisation 2 2 2 1,2,3
MGT2004 Enhancing Performance ** 2 2 2 2
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 2 2 2 2

Year 3 - Semester 1

CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship 3 1,2 3 1,2,3Enrolment is not permitted in CMS1000 if MGT1200 has been previously completed.
MGT3001 Global Management 3 1 3 1,3
MGT3005 Workforce Design * 3 1 3 1Enrolment is not permitted in MGT3005 if MGT2000 has been previously completed.
MGT2001 Risk Mitigation, Work Health and Safety 3 1 3 1

Year 3 - Semester 2

2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2
MGT3002 Managing Change # 3 2 3 2
MGT3006 Employment Relations 3 2 3 2Enrolment is not permitted in MGT3006 if MGT2006 has been previously completed.
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 3 2 3 2

Year 4 - Semester 1

2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1
2nd Major/Minor/Approved course/Elective 4 1 4 1

+ The Semester 2 on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
^ Students cannot study both CDS2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services and HMT2000 Ethical Issues and Human Rights within the one degree.
** Students who have successfully completed MGT2004 People Development should not complete MGT2004 Enhancing Performance.
* Students who have successfully completed MGT2000 Staffing and Remuneration or MGT2000 Workforce Design should not complete MGT3005 Workforce Design
# This is a capstone course and students should not enrol in it until they have completed at least six of the other courses in the Human Resource Management major.
Students who have successfully completed MGT2006 Employment Relations should not complete MGT3006 Employment Relations