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Curation, Innovation and Visual Art

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Enrolment requirements
VIS1101 Perspectives in Visual Arts: Movements, Moments and EventsS1 , S1     S1  Enrolment is not permitted in VIS1101 if VSA1000 and VSA2000 has been previously completed.
VIS1201 Ways of Seeing ArtS1 , S1     S1  Enrolment is not permitted in VIS1201 if VSA1004 has been previously completed.
VIS1302 Innovation in Art, Architecture, New Media and DesignS2 , S2     S2  Enrolment is not permitted in VIS1302 if VSA1003 has been previously completed.
VIS1402 Artists and their Studio PracticeS2 , S2     S2  Enrolment is not permitted in VIS1402 if VSA2001 has been previously completed.