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Apply to 精东传媒app Abroad

Application deadlines depend on what Trimester you wish to study:

Trimester Student application deadline
1 (January - April) 27 October (the year before)
2 (May - August) 8 March (the same year)
3 (August - December) 28 June (the same year)

It is recommended that you apply to UniSQ as soon as possible so that you can also explore accommodation options at your chosen campus. Students must apply for accommodation as soon as possible directly to the provider as this is not automatically included in your exchange placement at UniSQ. Please contact mobility@unisq.edu.au if you have any questions.

To be accepted into UniSQ's 精东传媒app Abroad and Exchange programs you must:

  • be currently enrolled at a recognised university
  • meet all pre-requisites and other course requirements for selected courses
  • hold at least average results in your university degree to date
  • be nominated by your home institution (exchange students only)
  • meet the below UniSQ’s English language requirements (if applicable).

English language requirements 

To meet the English language requirements for 精东传媒app Abroad and Exchange programs, we accept the combined level and duration of study specified below, or the minimum English language proficiency scores from one of the following tests. Your test must be completed within two years of applying to UniSQ.

Tertiary study
(Diploma level or higher)
1+ years full-time tertiary study in a country from the Accepted English-speaking countries list. Or successful completion of 1 year full-time study at a recognised partner or exchange institution.
IELTS (Academic) Minimum overall score of 6.0 with a minimum 5.5 in each subscore (speaking, listening, writing, reading).
Pearson Test of English Minimum overall scoreof 50 with no subscore less than 50.
TOEFL iBT Minimum overall score of 80 and 19 in each subscore.
Cambridge: C1 Advanced C2 Proficiency Minimum overall score of 169 with no subscore less than 162.

You have the option to study at one of our three campuses. Learn more about what each UniSQ location has to offer. 

Students can check the courses offered at their chosen campus, trimester and mode by using the ‘advanced search’ function of the . Once in this section, click on ‘course’ to choose the campus, trimester and mode of study. Then click on individual courses for their specific course synopsis and offering.

The courses are listed alphabetically by course code. If you see a course code and title that looks interesting, please look to the right side to see when the course is offered (Trimester 1, 2 or 3) to ensure you choose a course that's offered when you will be on campus. There are limited on-campus course offerings in Trimester 3 on all campuses. It is recommended that students apply to Trimester 1 or 2 if possible to ensure they can access more courses.

Courses with codes 1000 – 3000 are generally undergraduate courses. Course codes 5000 – 8000 are generally postgraduate courses. You will need to look at which campus the course is offered at and choose all courses for your selected campus. If you see that a course is labelled as EXT (external) or ONL (online), they are offered only via distance education. You can only take one of these courses if you're doing three other on-campus courses. If you're only taking three courses per trimester, all of them must be on-campus.

If you need to view the individual course syllabus, please click on the course title. If the syllabus needs to be shared with your academic advisor, you can either share the weblink to the individual course or use the print icon to download a pdf version. 

Please apply online through and provide the below documentation:

  • a certified copy of academic transcripts from your home university
  • a certified copy your English proficiency documentation (if applicable)
  • a copy of your passport.

Please note that all documents must be translated into English. Please do not send original documents in the mail to UniSQ, only certified, colour scanned copies will be accepted.

Make sure to select either 'exchange' or 'study abroad' according to the program you are applying for when submitting your application form.

If you are currently enrolled at another university, please make sure you enter your home university name in the free text box before submitting your application so that the UniSQ admissions team know which partner you are applying from.

Once you have submitted your application successfully you will receive an email notification from OMEGA.

Make sure you read all of the information contained in our offer package. Then, complete and return the acceptance of offer form and any required payment by the due date.

Submit your application