In your delivery you will need to consider tone, pace, slides/media, eye contact, how you will answer questions and your own movement.
Your tone of voice should suit the topic of your presentation in order to effectively communicate your message to the audience. The way we speak lets the audience know how they should feel about something.
The pace of your presentation should not be too fast or too slow. Use pause effectively throughout your speech and to emphasise points. are also a great addition to your presentation if used correctly.
While slides and media can be a great addition to your presentation they should not be the focus and should never contain whole sections of your speech. Slides can be a great way of sharing data but always make sure that the audience can clearly see any graphs, tables etc. from where they are sitting. See these from TED for extra inspiration.
If you are using media, make sure the room is set-up for any audio you may have.
Eye contact
Eye contact helps you to connect with your audience and makes you look more confident and credible as a speaker. In order to make effective eye contact you should allow yourself adequate rehearsal time so that you can speak freely during your presentation.
Answering questions
If your presentation requires or allows questions from the audience at the end, it is essential that you really understand your topic.
To give yourself a little more time to think about your answer, always repeat the question to the audience. This makes sure that everyone has heard the question and it also gives you more time to think before responding.
Feeling nervous during a presentation often means we may unknowingly start to fidget or sway. This can really distract your audience from your presentation. Have someone watch you present and let you know if you need to be aware of any movement.