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Research Integrity Advisors

In accordance with the the 精东传媒app has appointed a network of Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs).

RIAs play an important role in building the culture of research integrity and ethics at the 精东传媒app. They provide initial advice to any member of the 精东传媒app community who may be unsure about a responsible research conduct. 

RIAs are also able to explain the options available to any member of the 精东传媒app community considering engaging with, or who has already engaged with, the 精东传媒app’s .

Who are the UniSQ Research Integrity Advisors?

Research Integrity Advisors are nominated across the 精东传媒app and can be contacted to provide advice on responsible research conduct. It is not necessary to choose someone from your own area to contact for advice.


Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs) provide advice about the responsible conduct of research and the 精东传媒app’s processes for managing research conduct complaints. In essence, RIAs can provide initial advice to any person who is considering making, or has made a research conduct complaint about the appropriate way forward. This may mean referral to other 精东传媒app personnel and processes where the complaint is likely to involve a range of issues.

RIAs will not be involved in investigating or determining potential breaches of the 精东传媒app’s Research Code of Conduct. There are people at the 精东传媒app who carry this responsibility. RIAs cannot be involved in processes that follow on from any of their discussions with people seeking advice. 

If you have a concern about the conduct of research at the 精东传媒app then you should speak to a RIA.

It may be that you think authorship on a publication has not been fairly decided, someone is making up results, or someone has stolen some of your original work. If it relates to the conduct of research then you should speak to a RIA.

RIAs have also been made aware of other 精东传媒app processes that might be relevant, like those for dealing with bullying and discrimination. In some cases people may be dealing with a range of issues. A RIA will try and separate the issues out and explain the different processes that need to be followed in order to address the concerns at hand. 

Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs) have a responsibility to report potential breaches of the 精东传媒app’s Research Code of Conduct Policy. So while RIAs will try and maintain confidentiality, they will need to disclose potential breaches to have them handled in accordance with the 精东传媒app’s Research Code of Conduct: Management of Potential Breaches procedure.  There may be occasions where a RIA may need to report a concern even if the person seeking their advice does not want it to go any further (for serious research misconduct matters).

RIAs are experienced at these discussions and understand where the boundary is between something that they need to report themselves or where they can leave it up to you.

You need to think about any evidence that you have access to that will help a RIA make a proper assessment of the situation. For example drafts of manuscripts or altered images. It isn’t your job to collect all the evidence (that may be part of an investigation) but if there are things that you can get a hold of it will be helpful. An RIA will talk to you about this. 

RIAs will listen to you and ask questions so that he or she has enough information to offer you some advice. You might wish to bring someone along with you as support.

The RIA will help you to assess the issues and ensure that only research conduct matters are progressed through the research processes and other matters, such as Human Resources issues, are separated appropriately and referred to alternate processes.

The RIA will record the matters discussed (using a ‘Research Integrity Adviser report’) with details of the discussion as they see fit. This will allow them to advise/refer the information to the appropriate areas at UniSQ as required. If referred as a potential report, this record of discussion will be included in the review of the matter and will be stored in the Office of Research.    

Often there will be a pathway provided by the RIA. This may refer you to a formal process within the 精东传媒app. Depending on the nature of the issues raised, the RIA may refer the report of the conversation to the Designated Person within the 精东传媒app for further action. 

You can discuss hypothetical scenarios with a RIA. If this does not help, you can email the Manager, Research Integrity and Ethics or phone (07) 4631 2321.