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Creative Arts Placements and Activities

As part of your Creative Arts programs, you will develop and showcase your abilities through various performance activities and you may seek to undertake a placement. As any of these activities may involve children, you are required to apply for a Blue Card.

You will need to carry your Blue Card/identification with you at all times. If you are working with children under 18 and do not have your Blue Card, you will not be able to participate in the class, activity or placement.

If you are unable to obtain a Blue Card, please contact your Program Director via support@unisq.edu.au

Blue Cards and Working with Children Check

Conducting activities and placements within Queensland

Under Blue Card Services 'No Card, No Start' laws, students attending a professional experience placement in Queensland must hold a valid Blue Card or Exemption Card. Your Blue Card must be valid for your entire placement and cannot be due to expire at any time throughout your placement. For further information regarding Blue Card laws, please see .

Blue Card applications are now available to be lodged . You will need to register with and validate your identification online. If successful, you will be provided an online account number to send to the  (please indicate to the team the program you are studying) to ensure there are no delays with your placement. You will not be able to commence your activity or placement without a current blue card.

From Monday 31 August 2020 you will be able to lodge your blue card renewal . You will need to register with blue card services and validate your identification online. If successful, you will be provided an online account number to send to the  (please indicate to the team the program you are studying) to ensure there are no delays with your placement. We recommend you lodge your renewal at least 28 days prior to the expiry of your current card.

Anyone who can’t access the online system can still apply using a paper form. You can submit your paper form and certified proof of identity to BELA.Placements@unisq.edu.au.

Current Blue Card Holders

 require students to link their existing Blue Cards to the 精东传媒app prior to commencing placement. To link your current blue card or exemption card to UniSQ please provide your full blue card/exemption card number to BELA.Placements@unisq.edu.au.

New Blue Card Applications

For new blue card applications via the you will need to provide your Blue Card Services Portal Account Number or Blue/Exemption Card Number to BELA.Placements@unisq.edu.au.

Alternatively to link your Blue Card offline, you can complete a “” and submit the form to BELA.Placements@unisq.edu.au for processing.

If you are undertaking placement outside of Queensland you must ensure that you have a valid clearance for the state you are in and evidence of this is provided to the Professional Experience office in order to undertake required placement.  . 

Your placement process will vary according to the course you are studying e.g. PUB5006 Digital Publishing Internship or optional placements in VIS2202, CAW3001, CAW3002, FSP3001, FSP3002, MUI3016, MUI3017, THT3005, TVR3004, VAP3100 or VAP3200. Further details are available via the .