
List of accredited USQ programs offered at Toowoomba campus

Display only programs open for admission.


ProgramModeSemester intake
Diploma of Arts (DART)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Diploma of Community Welfare and Development (DCWD)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts (BART)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business. (BABZ) NewOn-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BABU)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (BABC)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BABL)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws. (BALW) NewOn-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Communication (BCMM)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCRA)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
Bachelor of General Studies (BGEN)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Human Services (BHMS)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of International Studies (BIST)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Mass Communication (BMCM)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Multimedia (BAMM)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Multimedia Studies (BMMS)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Music (BMUS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Social Science (BSSC)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Theatre Arts (BTHR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVAR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BAHN)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (BCAH)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Music (Honours) (BMUH)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Graduate Certificate in Public Relations (GCPR)Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Master of Arts (MSTA)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Arts (English Studies) (8 Units) (MEL1)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Master of Music (MMUS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Master of Visual Arts (MVAT)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2

Business and Law

ProgramModeSemester intake
Diploma of Business Administration (DPBA)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Associate Degree of Business (ADBS)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Business (BBUS)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBAD)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Information Technology (BITC)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Laws (BLAW)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BABU)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business. (BABZ) NewOn-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (BABC)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws. (BALW) NewOn-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BABL)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology (BBIT)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws (BBLA)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business (BCBZ)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology (BCIT)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws (BCLA)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science. (BCBS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCSC) NewOn-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (BSBB)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Business (BEBB)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Certificate in Business (GCBS)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Graduate Diploma of Business (GDBS)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Postgraduate Certificate in Business (PCBS)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Juris Doctor (DJUR)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Business (MBIS)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Business Administration (MBAD)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Master of Business Administration - International Business (MBAI)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Master of Information Systems (MIST)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Master of Information Systems Extended (MISX)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Master of Professional Accounting (MP12)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Master of Professional Accounting Extended (MPAE)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Master of Business Administration and Master of Professional Accounting (MBPA)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Master of Business Research (MBSR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Doctor of Business Administration (DBAR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2


ProgramModeSemester intake
Bachelor of Early Childhood (BECH)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Education (BEDU)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (BEDH)On-campus (Toowoomba, Fraser Coast, Springfield)
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (BEEC)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle Schooling) (BPMU)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Education (Senior and Middle Schooling) (BESM)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching (GDTL)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
S1, S2
Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics (PGAL)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Master of Applied Linguistics (MAPL)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Master of Education (8 Units) (MED1)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Doctor of Education (DEDU)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2

Engineering and Surveying

ProgramModeSemester intake
Associate Degree of Construction (ADCN)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Associate Degree of Engineering (ADNG)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Associate Degree of Spatial Science (ADSS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BETC)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Spatial Science Technology (BSST)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Construction (BCON)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Engineering (BENG)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Business (BEBB)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Information Technology (BEBT)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science (BEBS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Spatial Science (BSPS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science (GCNS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Technology (GCEN)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Certificate in Spatial Science Technology (GCST)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science (GDNS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Diploma of Engineering Technology (GDET)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Graduate Diploma of Spatial Science Technology (GDST)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Engineering Management (MENM)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Master of Engineering Science (MENS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Engineering Technology (METC)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Spatial Science Technology (MSST)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Engineering Research (MENR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Spatial Science Research (MSSR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2


ProgramModeSemester intake
Associate Degree of Health (AHEA)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (BBMS)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science. (BCBS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCSC) NewOn-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Information Technology (BEBT)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science (BEBS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Health (BHEA) NewOn-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Bachelor of Information Technology (BITC)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Information Technology (Faculty of Sciences) (BINT)On-campus (Toowoomba )
Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science (BITS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Nursing (BNUR)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
S1, S2
Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration) (BNPO)On-campus (Toowoomba, Fraser Coast.)
Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Bachelor of Science (BSCI)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business (BSBB)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
No new admissions
Bachelor of Technology (Wine) (BTWN)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) (BBMH)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSCH)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Certificate in Science (GCSC)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (Faculty of Sciences) (GDTI)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
Graduate Diploma of Mathematics (GDMA)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies (GDPS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Biomedical Science (MBMS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Master of Computing (MCOP)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Computing Technology, Master of Computing Technology (Extended) (MCOTorMCTE)On-campus ( Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Information Technology (Professional) (Faculty of Sciences) (MPIT)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (MPCL)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Master of Science (MSCC)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2
Master of Science (Professional Mathematics/Statistics) (MSMS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Distance education (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) (DPCL)On-campus (Toowoomba)
Master of Health (MHEA)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Master of Science . (MSCI)On-campus (Toowoomba)
No new admissions
Master of Science (Research) (MSCR)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2

English language and pathway programs

ProgramModeSemester intake
English for Academic Purposes (EAPP)On-campus (Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELAS)On-campus (Toowoomba)
S1, S2, S3
Tertiary Preparation Program (ACEQorPREPorTPPG)On-campus (Fraser Coast, Springfield, Toowoomba)
Distance education
S1, S2, S3